A strong core is critical to a healthy, active body. As the - TopicsExpress


A strong core is critical to a healthy, active body. As the article below discusses, there are numerous ways to incorporate core strengthening into your routine: BOSU ball, foam rollers, balance discs, swiss balls, band strengthening, pilates and even using your own body weight. There is an excellent website (which I included below) that can help augment your program. However, I recommend initially having a trained professional watch you do these exercises to ensure proper form is used. Otherwise what tends to happen is that you strengthen an already existing dysfunctional pattern, creating further problems down the road. Enjoy and heres to a healthy core!! Core exercises are often touted as a way to get six-pack abs. However, your body’s core is much more than abdominal muscles. It’s the many muscles in your pelvis, lower back, hips, and abdomen. Keeping these muscles strong keeps your body stable and helps you maintain good posture. You can do core exercises at home. And you don’t even need any equipment! Focus on exercises that work all your core muscles, not just abs. Strengthening some core muscles and not others can pull your spine out of alignment. There are many ways to work your core effectively. A couple of good ones include “plank” and “bird dog.” But consider skipping traditional sit-ups. Some sports scientists feel that they place too much stress on the disks in your spine. For core exercise photos and instructions, visit the fitness library at acefitness.org. ~ HealthyRoads and Lotus Root Physical Therapy
Posted on: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 01:00:43 +0000

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