A very busy half term week in our house hold. Hugo has had an ok - TopicsExpress


A very busy half term week in our house hold. Hugo has had an ok week off I think? not sure we have been able to keep him as happy and amused as the school but we did our best (considering one of us is still unable to do much other than make a cuppa). We have had a few good walks and also been shopping for some new clothes and shoes much to Hugos delight - this boy loves shoe shopping. We did have to have an argument over the potential purchase of some George Pig willies as we only bought Gruffallo ones a few weeks back, sneaky boy even put them in the basket when I was talking to the shoe fitter - very independent moment and its only because he REALLY didnt need them that we didnt let him have them anyway! Health wise we have managed a good week or two until yesterday.....Hugo started with the usual early wake up followed by an hour or two of madness, he was a little unsteady on his feet but nothing out of the ordinary. At 11ish our SENSE intervenor arrived for a couple of hours to help and in his extreme excitement to see her Hugo managed to trip over a blanket on the floor and fall head first (he still doesnt have the self save reaction to put his hands out in front of him when he falls over) into a toy box. This resulted in a rather nasty 2cm gash just above his right eye, thankfully he missed the eye but it bled pretty well and poor Martha got in quite a state at the sight of blood and became very upset telling us her Go-Go was poorly and needed a doctor and medicine (love her little caring nature). We quickly got him to the doctors surgery and they saw him straight away and glued him back together. He was very brave and although very upset when he first did it, at the doctors he didnt cry at all. We had an easy afternoon at home just chilling and keeping an eye on Hugo. Hugo has in the last week changed his milk due to problems with his bowels and recurring constipation, the milk has worked and kick started everything back into working normally again. However late afternoon we noticed Hugo had blood in his poo. This would not normally be much of a concern and you could put it down to change of diet or being slightly unwell, however due to the problems that Hugo had in February with his bowel becoming so infected we have to treat it with some serious that its not an underlying problem considering he has been struggling in that area for a few months now. This morning he still has blood so we are waiting on a phone conversation with his fantastic consultant to see if we will need to take him into hospital for an Xray and check over. Im hoping that this is just milk related and that maybe changing that will work but also keeping open minded that a change of milk would have to be quite tough on the gut to make it bleed so much?! We can only wait and see..........
Posted on: Sat, 02 Nov 2013 08:30:22 +0000

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