A while ago, there was a nomination thing asking people to share - TopicsExpress


A while ago, there was a nomination thing asking people to share the 10 books that stayed with them, and Felicity Campbell and Zein Al-Fawwaz I promised to get on it. It has taken me THIS LONG to find some time to sit down in front of my computer for ME and catch up on fun things like this. So, heres a random list of books I read this year that Id recommend. Also this is too hard to do, I read 10 books in a month, how am I supposed to just pick randomly??? - Eleanor & Park, by Rainbow Rowell, and then all the rest of her books as well - The Bronze Horseman trilogy by Paulina Simons (dont judge, I love anything set in Russia and/or USSR) - anything by John Green, beginning with The Fault in our Stars and working my way backwards - Veronica Roths Divergent series, perfect for airplanes, youll be done in 2 and a half medium length airplane rides - An Isabelle Allende novel that I cant remember now, but it doesnt matter, read anything she writes - The Black Book by Orhan Pamuk - Mrs Hemmingway by Naomi Wood - The Almost Moon by Alice Sebold (The Lovely Bones was better) - Whered You Go Bernadette? by Maria Semple - The Silver Linings Playbook by Matthew Quick For books that stayed with me, and pop up in my head years after Ive read them? Theres - Honeymoon in Purdah: An Iranian Journey by Alison Weaving - Lord of the Flies by William Golding - Samarkand by Amin Maalouf - Naguib Mahfouzs Cairo Trilogy (and everything else he wrote) - Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant by Anne Tyler (everything she writes is memorable) - How to be Good by Nick Hornby - Room by Emma Donaghue - Gone With The Wind by Margaret Mitchell (its embarrassing how many times Ive reread it) - On Writing by Stephen King - Pity the Nation by Robert Fisk - The Hottest State by Ethan Hawke - The Help by something Stockett - girly classics like Anna Karenina and anything Jane Austen and A Little Princess and Jane Eyre and Little Women and the list is endless, this is a very difficult thing to ask of me. - and maybe like 50 more.... HARRY POTTER! ANNE RICE! LORDS OF THE RINGS! NARNIA books! CATCHER IN THE RYE! guilty pleasure like JODI PICOULT! even JOHN GRISHAM! Im being judged now arent I. BIOGRAPHIES!!! I love biographies (of women, like Marie Antoinette and Cleopatra and Queen Noor and Farah Diba, its a weakness). THE JOY LUCK CLUB! BELOVED! too too tooooo many books
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 08:23:31 +0000

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