A year or so ago I had a Past Life Regression done by a therapist - TopicsExpress


A year or so ago I had a Past Life Regression done by a therapist I met when I did a reading for him at a Psychic Fair. He had been trained by The Michael Newton Institute so I knew he had the right training & certification. Be careful if you have one of these done & be sure the person doing it for you has done more than just a Weekend Workshop as sometimes things can go wrong & you need an experienced person to be able to handle the situation right. I went back to 3 different lives during my session with John & they were all relevant to my current life. In the first life I was an Indian Medicine Woman & Healer in the Sioux tribe in Dakota in the 1800s. I was a single woman that had never had children or a husband. I was revered for my healing skills & ability to understand & help others. Life was tough & the winters were very harsh where my tribe spent most of its time. Though I was a Healer I had always been unwell & had managed it well until middle age when I became quite ill & could not help my people as much as I used to. At that time I was sent away from my tribe & I died not long after that in a dark & empty cave. I died freezing & alone... In the second life I was a child in medieval England in the 15th century. I was living with my Nana who took good care of me as my Mother was absent from my life, she was around but not present in my life.I recognised straight away that she was my Nana from this life that had passed away many years ago. We were very poor but here was a lot of love in our family & that got us through. There was a noticeable absence of men in all of our lives. I remember looking down at my clothes & shoes & thats how I knew we were poor. We were farmers (as my grandparents were in this lifetime) & we all had to work hard to have enough to eat & indeed survive. The absence of my Mother came as no surprise to me as I have spent years trying to heal that relationship. The third life was back in Roman Times where I was a soldier in the army. I knew I had been forced into service & I did not want to be there. I would have to kill people or be killed myself & that did not sit well with me. I was a gentle & compassionate man that just wanted to be with his family. My brother & childhood friend from this life were also in the ranks with me, I could feel them behind me. My Father from this lifetime was the General & he was a brutal man, ruthless & unfeeling (just like my Father in this life). I was crying & looking for support but there was none forthcoming, I felt so alone. The scenarios of these 3 past lives have played out in my current life & have given me much to think about. John asked me if I wanted to go further back but by that time I was very tired & felt I had more than enough to work with. It took me some time to process the feelings as they were very real & I shed a few tears. It was a positive experience that gave me some peace & understanding about people & events in my current life...
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 01:29:42 +0000

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