ABOUT TO BE ON THAT GSC LIFE!!! Sooooooo for all that know me - TopicsExpress


ABOUT TO BE ON THAT GSC LIFE!!! Sooooooo for all that know me really well everybody can say this is the emptiest my fridge has ever been. Just liquids and veggies right now. Normally my fridge and cabinets are stocked as if im feeding a family of four when in actuality I live alone!! Hence why Ive gained weight over the years!!! Those who know me know I hate to waste money & food. I know of so many that is less fortune than me so I never throw food away until its bad. I still had buddy fruit in my fridge that my nephew Brevin Stone left over the summer knowing I dont eat it but hoping someone would come over and want it!! Today I HAD TO CLEAN HOUSE!!! I MUST CONFESS...I only worked out one day last week and had take out prob 3 days....uuuuggg. My body was going through something last week and I felt so sick!! When u have been on a healthy lifestyle for awhile and then try to go back to your old ways your body will fight you!! Well after my wonderful day yesterday of fun filled activities I know I need to really get a handle on my snacking and drop this weight for good!! So I have decided to start my journey AGAIN AND FOR GOOD by doing a 10 day green smoothie detox and working out everyday!!! My detox will consist of water, three 16 oz green smoothies a day with snacks of eggs, raw fruits and veggies. Yes i can have a light dinner but i really want to attempt to do the unmodified version first! Im putting this out here because I need support. If u love me and are truly my friends you will push me. Im not asking anyone to do this with me, just support me as I do this challenge for myself!! But if Dina Reid, Taletha Foreman, and Tanisha Anthony want to join me...hint hint hint LOL....SO PLEASE DO NOT ASK ME TO EVENTS OR ON A DATE THAT INVOLVES FOOD & DRINKS FOR THE NEXT 10 DAYS. WE CAN STILL DO STUFF BUUUUUUT ...LOL OFF TO THE STORE FOR FRUITS AND VEGGIES. OH IF IM EVIL AT ANYTIME IN THE NEXT 10 DAYS SORRY IN ADVANCE JUST KNOW ITS MY BODY COMING OFF OF SUGAR AND PROCESSED CARBS:-)
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 20:34:26 +0000

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