ACB DIRECTOR ASKS FOR PLAYERS AS HE IS HEADING FOR TOUGH ZONES. The MDF on the card. BY Malawian Watchdog Senior Reporter As if chocked by scary personalities appearing on the Cashgate crackdown log table, the newly appointed ACB Director Lucas Kondowe has invited prayers as he is set to pursue tough zones. Sources from the graft-cracking body-the ACB, have confided in Malawian Watchdog that the corruption crackdown is yet to reach its boiling point as more shocking and challenging targets are on sight. The source disclosed that the bureau will soon pursue the Malawi Defence Forces (MDF) for a procurement scandal that happened in 2009. The source shunned from providing finner details while managing to assure that the moral-enhancing bureau will soon embark on pursuing officers in the MDF who facilitated the illegal procurement of paraphernalia when Cashgate was hot on it hills. The source cited the recent arrests of the former Deputy Inspector of Police (DIG) Nelson Bophani and Attorney General (Stevenson Kamphasa) as milestones footholding the ACBs intended committment to what the source described as rigorous cleanup of the Cashgate mess. But Kondowes plea for supplication came fast trailing rumours that some prominent cabinet ministers including Patricia, Kaliati, Henry Mussa and George Chaponda among others, also deaped their fingers in the Cashgatetub. As I am advancing the most challenging targets, I invite all religious leaders and every Malawian to pray for me. I also invite the support of all three arms of government, political party leaders, civil society organisations, the media, international community and all stakeholders. This country can do much better. Let us work together for the sake of our people. Our citizens. We can all do well and earn our living in a fair way, Kondowe said in an email interview with Malawian Watchdog. Since his appointment as a top leader of the anti-corruption body a while ago, has scored some victory by apprehending a number of culprits within a short space of time. Likewise, he has also promoted himself as a firm opponent of flies and tigers (low- and high-ranking officials) engaged in the plunder of public resources. However, despited the crackdown, records indicate that, so far, the bureau has managed to apprehend only those who served in former government of PP in the light of blue-colored culprits. The development has raised reservations in the ACBs mission impartiality political independence. The prosecution of these untouchables will indeed be an important litmus test of Kondowes intentions and authority. Otherwise, the political alignment of these Cabinet Ministers who are part of the innermost power, summons an air of unwarranted protection. Any formal charges that may be accidentally laid against them would tear up norms that, for decades, have insulated top leaders and their cronies from scrutiny. Sadly, targeting political rivals as financial miscreants, bribe-majors, or power abusers is a time-tested way of dealing with them (and not just in Malawi). Mr. Kondowe needs to shake the mountain in order to scare the Tiger because the vice versa will leave the mountain unshaken.
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 14:36:36 +0000

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