ACHING TO BLAME THE GOP, DEMOCRATS SABOTAGE EFFORTS TO KEEP GOVERNMENT OPEN Posted 09.30.13 by Greg Campbell, TPNN Political Analyst Reid It is laughable what passes for discourse for Democrats on Capitol Hill these days. As a potential government shutdown looms, Democrats are sweating as their plans have gone horribly awry and they realize that House Republicans are not looking to cave on the issue of the continuing resolution. Senator Ted Cruz put the struggle into perspective by insisting that the Democrats, not Republicans, are obstructing government. Cruz stated in an interview on Monday, “If we have a shutdown, it will be because Harry Reid holds that absolutist position and essentially holds the American people hostage.” Leading Senate Democrats are eagerly awaiting the likely government shutdown to begin their “blame the Republicans” crusade that the mainstream media intends to dutifully promote. Benghazi Sticker However, while Democrats posture as if the Republicans are refusing to yield, the ball is actually in the court of the Democrat-controlled Senate. The Republicans in the House did what their job requires and formulated a continuing resolution. They sent it to the Senate who amended it and sent it back to the House. The Republican-controlled House has amended it and sent it to the Democrat-controlled Senate. Yet, the Democrats still maintain the tried-and-true narrative that Republicans are obstructing government progress. It’s not only Senate Democrats pushing the flawed narrative. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi has maintained that Republicans are to blame for the likely shutdown. In an odd tweet, Pelosi stated, “House Dems willing to work w/ [Republicans] on keeping govt open. Either Rs vote for a clean CR at their funding level or they vote for a #GOPshutdown.” Pelosi’s tweet does not sound like an expression of a desire to coexist and cooperate with Republicans. Pelosi’s tweet claims that Democrats are willing to work with House Republicans, but only if Democrats are given everything they want. That is hardly an endorsement of cooperation. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has led the effort against the House continuing resolution that called for a delaying of Obamacare and repealed the medical device tax. Though Republicans have worked to craft a compromise that would delay Obamacare for one week while Senate lawmakers figured out a solution, Reid has refused. Reid has also reportedly refused to attend a meeting brokered by President Obama between Congressional leaders and forced the President to scrap the meeting because he feared the meeting could be used as a photo-op for Republicans to suggest that serious negotiations were taking place. Yet, in a press conference with the media, White House Spokesman Jay Carney continued to allege that Republicans are guilty of “extortion” for refusing to yield to Democrat demands. YOU MAY ALSO LIKE
Posted on: Tue, 01 Oct 2013 01:58:27 +0000

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