ADAMAWA IMPEACHMENT SAGA: FEDERAL MIGHT PLUS N50 MILLION IS TOO MUCH A WEIGHT TO TAKE. In anyway Governor Murtala Nyako of Adamawa state committed many impeachable offences like most of the Governors since his first tenure in office, so nobody will say Adamawa state lawmakers are wrong to initiate impeachment based on those offences, that is to say it is long overdue, what is wrong is doing it after they are influenced. When Gov. Nyako was in the PDP where all offences are forgiving since you are with the BIG ONE, these offences were ignored as non-existent and he was only part on the back while Adamawa people were suffering and smiling. That was the good days when the Gov. was in the good book. Now the first major impeachable offence that Gov. Nyako committed was his defection to the opposition party the APC and unfortunately for him, he did not do that silently but he continued making noise and writing memos and that was to all of us inviting trouble for himself from the BIG ONE. The BIG ONE did not disappoint us, it just brought out its BIG KOBOKO and started beating the poor Governor from all angles. First you could remember a state of emergency was declared in some local governments of his state even though there was no need for that, then his Deputy was induced with religious sentiments and money to defect back to PDP and he succumbed and did, then some state assembly members of the state most of which are Christians were also induced using the same method of the Deputy Gov. and the rest is now history. The defection of the state assembly members was what set the impeachment agenda rolling and it keeps on rolling and spinning up to this moment. The state assembly members then remembered that they are owed some unpaid allowances for three years amounting to about N5 million each and asked the Gov. to pay them, but instead for the Gov to see the bigger screen and pay them, he decided otherwise and that was exactly what the BIG ONE was waiting to capitalize on and it did and here we are. According to what we are hearing the state lawmakers were promised N50 million each and were paid half of the amount to implement and execute the plan, and we are seeing how even court are withdrawing judgment earlier given in order to hasten the process. My dear country! hmmmmmm. You see my dear country men and women, we have a serious situation here. If offences committed are only punished when you lost out with the BIG ONE, or you are not in the good book of oga at d top then our situation is really worse than we are imagining. Remember all the scandals that were committed most of which were daylight stealing with impunity and there were probes even, but nobody was punished, infact they were even hail and pat on the back and told well done for good job, why because they are with the BIG ONE. It is really sad and I weep for my dear country. I raised my hands in prayers in this blessed month of Ramadan and said: OH ALLAH INDUCE OUR NATIONAL ASSEMBLY TO START THE IMPEACHMENT PROCESS OF THIS DISASTAROUS AND DESTRUCTIVE GOVERNMENT THAT WE HAVE THAT IS DESTROYING EVERYTHING GOOD IN MY ONLY COUNTRY, AMEEN. LONG LIVE THE FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF NIGERIA, A COUNTRY TO WHICH WE HAVE NO OTHER! Good morning friends.
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 11:10:50 +0000

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