ADMIN CONTEST TO JOIN THE ADMIN CONTEST YOU HAVE TO COMMENT ONLY ON THIS NOTE! ANY MESSAGES,OR COMMENTS ON LINKS ABOUT THE ADMIN CONTEST WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED! 1.Answer the questions below: 1.Your name, age and country. 2.Do you own,admin pages? tag them 3.Do you play games(mention some) 4.How many likes can you get in a day? 5.Are you hacker? prove ur not 6.Will you be nice with fans and admin 7. If you are going to use the page for likes just dont continue answering questions and exit this note 8. How active will you be?? (hours per day, or pictures per day) 9. Say why you want to be an admin.. 10. Tell me 5 Facts about 11. Why do you deserve to win? 12. Tell me what do u hate and what do u like in this page! 13. Do u know how to hack or un-hack? 14. what will yout signature be?_________________________________________-- 2.Rules- Read the rules below and if you are willing to follow them as they are you can join the admin contest!- Ask if you have any questions- I know they are a bit many but thats what it takes to be a part of a big page! 1. do not change pp or cover (ask me first and wait until i reply!)2. Post more pictures..and play games with pictures3. In whatever you post make people share it! (We will need many shares in every pic to make the pag active!) ----> this is a MUST!4. Be active at LEAST 2 1-2 hours a day!5. If you cant be active for 2+ days message me!6. Admin who isnt active for 2 days and havent messaged will be deleted!7. I am going to add you on my personal account and in our admins group so i can update you on stuff.8. You have to do s4s every day! ---> You have to get 50 likes a day!(each admin)9. Delete the signs, specials and s4s 5 minutes after you do them10. DO NOT USE THE PAGE FOR LIKES! YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO POST PICTURES AND SHARE YOUR PAGES IN THE PICTURES! IT IS THE MOT IMPORTANT RULE!11. When you do can share all pages! even with 0 likes!12. You are allowed to share your page once a day only! 13. Dont unpin things from the top! And dont pin them! I will add you as friends so we can messsage if needed! Good luck the owner and 2 co owners well be choosing 5 attive admin Diane
Posted on: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 06:47:01 +0000

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