☆ADMIN☆Next stop in our Meet the Admin series is the Desert - TopicsExpress


☆ADMIN☆Next stop in our Meet the Admin series is the Desert Southwest, Arizona is where one of the newer staff members calls home. MaryBeth Hale is the last of the ladies ( notice how i did them first ? I Aint no dummy) HIYA Marybeth..thanks for taking the time to answer a few questions. MaryBeth: not a problem, your buying lunch after all right? .. right?? Ermm well first question .. So are you glad you became an admin? MaryBeth: absolutely, it is a fast moving page, and for the last 18 months or so, one my favorite hangs outs. I admit to being hopelessly addicted to my iron and love cooking with it. What better place to be then with you all who understand this. Have you made more friends or enemies? MARYBETH: Well, so far I have made wonderful friends, many who will stay in my heart a lifetime…. But, well this is not always a popular job… So, I suppose that might change up a bit. Any idea why Lori said Rob wears panty hose in the winter? MARYBETH: I am not entirely sure how it all began, but I will say, we all have a little inner freak here and there. If Rob wants to get a little jiggy now and then and do a little “Flash Dance”, it is all good. Just, next time, mash the blinds. What is your most treasured piece of cast iron? MARYBeth: That is easy. I do love all my iron for its history, and its magicalness. But, my most precious piece is my Bundt pan Jeni. She was gifted to me by a member of this page and I still tear up to think of this unbelievably kind act. Love you Jennifer. Out of all the Admins who do you think is the best food photographer? MARYBETH: Aah…. They all are good, and have shared some wonderful delicious meals with us. But if I must choose, Brad and his roasted beasts, grilled meats, and then the pizzas, and the cakes, Oh, my. (Editorial note..pretty sure she has been drinking and meant to say Greg) What is the most important advice you could pass on to a new CI user/collecter MaryBeth: Don’t give up. Getting the hang of cleaning, seasoning, cooking with cast iron is not always the easiest, but I promise it is the best. What is your #1 pet peeve in the group? MARYBeth: People dumping negative comments on other people’s posts, so not cool. Whether it is their food, or their iron choices, why do it? Why not move on to a thread one can have a positive influence on. So how many pieces have you gained since you have joined the group? MARYBETH: More than I can shake a stick at. I have now idea what that means, but it sounds like a lot. So who would win in a cook off ...you or Greg? Oh, Greg for sure. That many can go from making the prettiest Bundts, to grilling the perfect steak. (maybe she hasnt been drinking) Do you cheat and have any Other cookware in the house? MARYBeth: Everything I have is Cast Iron. I do have very old, Revere Ware Dutch oven and sauce pan my Daddy gave me for my 18th birthday a couple of years ago. Snort, yeah right. More like decades ago. But they are kept for sentimental reasons and not used. If you had a choice between A brand new Lodge 20 or a gatemarked griddle. . Which would you pick? MARYBETH: Gatemarked Marked griddle… Who needs just one right? How did you get started with cast Iron cookware? MARYBETH: My first pieces I have had sense 1997. However, I admit I am a reformed cast iron neglector. I had no idea how to properly care for them, season them, none of that until I found this page. What I had was a complete hot mess. Crisco or Lard? MARYBETH : Lard, except I can’t get the really good stuff. I live in a rural, red neck little town, yet can only get what Walmart has. We do not even have a butcher. Now from what we have seen posted, your pretty amazing in the kitchen... but out of everything... what do you think is your BEST dish? MaryBeth : well, according to my youngest, Pizza. Sam refuses to eat take out pizza, and his favorite is barbeque chicken and pineapple made with Greg’s CowBoy Sauces. ( Ok I didnt pay her to say that! ) What is your method of cleaning cast iron. MARYBETH : Lye bathe and E-tank.. Thank you all for helping me get past my fear on the whole electricity thing. I still cannot open a can of biscuits though Now... lets see how well you know your fellow Admin... what will Oscar say is his Favorite piece? MARYBETH: Itsy Bitsy Spider of course Chili or bean soup? :) Chile….. With beans. That is how my Great Grandma from Germany made it Gesundheit Chili 1 1/2 pounds ground beef (round or chuck) 2 tablespoons olive oil 1 cup chopped onion 1/3 cup chopped green bell pepper 1 garlic clove, minced 1 can (14.5 ounces) diced tomatoes 1 can (16 ounces) kidney beans, drained 1 can (5.5 ounces) tomato juice 3/4 cup German pilsner beer 6 ounces bratwurst or knockwurst, chopped into bite-sized pieces 1 tablespoon chili powder 1 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin 1/4 teaspoon paprika 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper There you go... German style Thank you so much for your time Marybeth. .ILL let ya get back to work now...but... about this lunch ticket...
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 19:28:16 +0000

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