AKPABIO AND HIS BLIND-WITCH POLITICS BY UBONG SAMPSON Years ago when I was a child, I used to hear stories of how people, both young and old were being labeled witches and wizards by Pastors and prophets; and while some reportedly confessed in admittance, others, I also heard, did not. In the cases where the later came to play, the victims were either said to be top shots in the ‘craft’ profession or blind witches. So easily I could comprehend the former, but the later seemed more complicated. However, my curiosity got me into making further inquiries until one elderly man bailed my mind out of the confusion. Then I knew how possible it was to be one of the night crafters without knowing about it. In view of the current political terrain in the state, precisely the scenes involving Governor Akpabio’s end time and his succession plans, I can see one smart mind easily detecting my route and destination, as regards this piece. But for whoever chooses not to be smart, the situation is not so despondent for you, as I am sure going to the said destination. What I understand about being blindly involved in a particular thing is that you will neither be part of the decision making nor present when it is made. All you do is wait for the instruction(s) from above and carry them out. Like the cases of the witches, you will never know the effects or importance of the things you do because you are being denied the knowledge of its significance. In the craft realm, you will ignorantly cause harm to people, while in the real sense of life, you will ignorantly perform great tasks while someone else takes the glory. In other words; this is blind followership; and perhaps, should explain why leaders who prefer such should be avoided with a carefully designed and maintained dignified distance. Even Jesus Christ, the bible tells us, had at several points taught his followers the way of truth and had exposed them to the ways of seeking eternal salvation, as well as the face of the father at any point in time. At an eatery the other day, about three months ago, I overheard people who sat in a table close to mine discussing 2015 politics in Nigeria and when the radar of their discussion brought them to Akwa Ibom, the topic was Akpabio and his succession. Incidentally, they had different thoughts as regards who will succeed the incumbent Essien Udim born self-praising governor, and while one of them was in support of Akpabio and whoever his chosen successor is or would be; the rest of them were so confident that except the governor supports their respective choices, he should forget about having a successor. I was enjoying the argument from my neighbor table in the eatery though the fun was cut short when one of the fellows had a call that showed his attention was needed somewhere and they all left the place. Minutes later, I realized that their departure still did not get my mind off their topic of discussing as my mind kept ruminating on it though it took preference on the Akwa Ibom context. I was thinking, does Akpabio really have a successor? If yes, then what plans does he have in this succession plan for the common man whose life, he has not touched and might not be able to touch before the end of his reign? During a press briefing by the governor at the executive chambers of the Governor’s office, the state’s helmsman had told us that he has not anointed anyone yet as successor, and that was just a few months after the Udom Emmanuel’s anointment rumour began. That statement alone was enough to clear the minds of those who may have been wondering what could have turned sour, the blissfully cordial relationship which the governor shared with his former secretary to government, Obong Umana Okon Umana, that he was never anointed afterall. Truth is, whether Governor Akpabio has openly declared his anointed or not, we all know he has one, and his body language is even helping us identifying who precisely the anointed is. And while the sycophants and self pleasing so called Akpabio’s men are already seeking to be well placed in the supposed successor’s camp, as well as assuring, the governor of their loyalty amidst praise-singing and quoting of bible verses such as Ruth 1:16 (please refer to your bible); the governor himself seems to be having problems with the antagonists of the zoning system which the governor is so much advocating for. To the governor, whoever opposes zoning is opposing his succession plan; and whoever opposes or does anything suspected not to be in conformity with his succession plan is not loyal to him. According to information from the governor’s angle; his words and actions the past one year, has only brought to bare how desperate he is about this succession plan of his; but one thing is sure; his desperation can never campell Akwa Ibomites to support his anointed. If that were possible; then the secret meetings with other perceived contentious governorship hopefuls and the pleadings to have them withdraw from the race in other to give his anointed a smoother journey to the hilltop mansion would not have been necessary. One thing I want Governor Akpabio to understand is that where democracy is involved, the power of the electorates can never be suppressed by any incumbent power; and where the later coercively has it way, whether by trick or by violence, then democracy has no business there. Governor Akpabio for all I know is only one of the electorates hence; should stop feeling like he owns Akwa Ibom and the people in it. I have no issues with his interest in the guber race come 2015, after all as a stakeholder, he has a key role to play in the selection of leaders for the next dispensation; but my point is that the governor and his succession cabal should not give the people the impression that they can do without them. They should not treat their anointed as a sacred cow and make him begin to feel like he is the governor the governor already. He should be told the truth; and the truth is that the success of his ambition depends on the masses and not the governor’s cabal. The truth is that the masses will never support a governor who fails to step out to the streets, relate and make friends with the common Akwa Ibom man so as to feel the pains and plight of those living in poverty. Lest governor Akpabio forget; may I remind him that during his campaign towards 2006 PDP preliminaries and the 2007 generals, he was seen on the streets of Akwa Ibom meeting people and making friends with the young and the aged. A natural, though arguable reason he was able top know the faces of people who toiled and tarried with him through the journey to the mansion. If he knew what was right and did same for himself, why can’t he advise his anointed to toe same path? Or is he trying to make us believe that the one we presume to be his anointed is actually not, but only a camouflage, while the real person is kept undercover? If the later be the case; then the question is: is this really necessary? Is this kind of politics not synonymous to the earlier defined blind witchcraft? Well, for all I know, one man has never finished a meal prepared for him by the community, and Akpabio will not be an exception. He’s should forget about the fake and lips-bound praises he is receiving from town hall meetings, afterall the said town hall meetings are pre-arranged, and the speakers for every constituency, pre-appointed by him, but that should remain a topic for another day. I once heard the governor’s ally say that he (the governor) had boasted that he can single-handedly produce a successor. Well, comments reserved for now while we keep watching; but sooner than expected, I see the incumbent being shocked with the calamity of betrayal; I see his very trusted men defecting to other camps against his interest; I see him receiving several resignation letters from people he held bound with his appointments; I see him buried in a dilemma of choosing between his anointed and his senatorial ambition. And verily, verily I say unto him; when such time cometh, he should either take less of the shock or stand the risk of battling with heart attack; for only then shall he know that for a truth, sycophancy does not win elections but only sings the mind of the candidate to complacency. I pray this meets his understanding. CULLED FROM THE “SINE QUA NON’ COLUMN OF COMMUNITY PULSE NEWSPAPERS (TUESDAY, MARCH 25th EDITION); AND WRITTEN BY UBONG SAMPSON, A PUBLIC AFFAIRS ANALYST.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 19:55:06 +0000

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