ALL 7 BILLION PEOPLE OF THE EARTH LIVING IN TEXAS, By Jose Tukir July 13th, 2013 If we could adjust our individual requirements for less products and requirements and less exotic and elaborate needs for survival in foods and clothing and transport and housing an all other areas ~~ we might be able to reduce our user foot print on EARTH ! This would mean basic subsistence via agrarian and hunter gathers and a complete rejection of all CORPORATIONS as we know them now ~~ along with places for people to work and make a living ! FORGET ABOUT CELL PHONES AND MOST EVERY THING ELSE !!! Then we would probably have to have at least one quarter of a acre of land for each person to live on ! And ~~ of course ~~ that would assume the land can be maintained for on-going sustainable production of life giving foods and living requirements !!! And ~~ of course ~~ this would not consider the quality and quantity and sustainability of air and water livable QUALITY ! AND ~~ further ~~ the waste production and removal or reuse would require RETHINKING ! Personally ~~ I think one quarter acre would NOT sustain a person for very long ! AND ~~ forget about houses ~~ we are talking about HOBBITSVILLE HERE ~~ where everybody lives in underground and earth sod houses ~~ ! But ~~ of course ~~ we could and would also be looking for HIGH-RISE GHETTOS as in the Orwellian 1984 and Soylient Green and TERRA NOVA movies and T.V. series ! And his would help a little ! George Orwell 1984 trailer - YouTube ► 2:54► 2:54 youtube/watch?v=7NEt0IUW180 Apr 4, 2011 - Uploaded by mshkaa1 1984 movie trailer I made in high school. ... YouTube home. Sign in. Upload. Search. Guide ... Soylent green trailer - YouTube ► 3:26► 3:26 youtube/watch?v=SVpN312hYgU Aug 21, 2006 - Uploaded by Eduarda Alice Santos YouTube home ... Soylent green trailer ... Sign in with your Google Account ( YouTube ... More by Eduarda Alice Santos - in 29 Google+ circles TERRA NOVA -Trailer - YouTube ► 2:51► 2:51 youtube/watch?v=uBb6Kyd7vAc Aug 17, 2012 - Uploaded by FoxSony HomeEntertaiment No ano de 2.149 DC. o mundo está morrendo. O planeta está super povoado e super ... Based on 7 Billion people ~~ and the 171, 892,000 acres in TEXAS ~~ our hypothetical analysis would provide for ~~ LESS THAN 700,000,000 or 700 million people ! WHAT DO WE DO WITH THE OTHER 6.3 BILLION PEOPLE ? And ~~ OH ~~ BTW ~~ that 700 million would leave NO ROOM FOR OFFICES, MANUFACTURING PLANTS, FAST FOOD PLACES, OR LAKES WITH THEIR WATER, OR FORESTS OF TREES OR BUSHES OR OTHER STUFF US HUMANS HAVE BECOME USED TO ENJOYING ! And ~~ of course ~~ all highways and sports stadiums etc. etc ~~ would have to be RETHOUGHT !! AND WE WOULD HAVE TO WEIGH THEIR BENEFIT TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE PEOPLE ! SO ~~ I think we are now WAY BELOW that 700 MILLION NUMBER ! WHICH ~~ means even more folks would have to go The HAPPY HUNTING GROUNDS ! NOW ~~ that would also assume that there would be enough good quality water even to sustain the LESS THAN 700 MILLION PEOPLE in out hypothetical TEXAS ~~ with it reduced to size ground water regenerative and degenerative DYNAMICS !!!! ALL OF WHICH IS TO SAY ~~ YES ~~ 7 BILLION HUMANS COULD STAND AROUND ON THE BEAUTIFUL TEXAS SOIL ( that was not already covered by lakes or buildings or other encumbrances ) for one afternoon ! But ~~ by the second day ~~ there would be a tremendous amount of frustration and violence that would naturally escalate ! UNTIL ~~ the natural SYMBIOSIS of organisms living upon an among other organisms would ensue !! UNTIL ~~ a level of NATURAL HOMEOSTASIS WOULD BE REACHED !!! COME ON PEOPLE ~~ DO NOT BELIEVE EVERY HORSE SHYTE STORY YOU HEAR !!!!! Like this Kent Hovind and a bunch o others ! NOW ~~ I Do believe we can solve the redistribution of our EARTH resources and our living requirements to allow us to maintain a lot more that our current 7 BILLION people ! RIGHT NOW ~~ there is an evil U.N. based AGENDA 21 being installed vi the I.C.L.E.I. Agenda 21 For Dummies - YouTube ► 9:32► 9:32 youtube/watch?v=TzEEgtOFFlM Jan 24, 2009 - Uploaded by liberalbias100 Agenda 21 explained very well. Including implications it will have on humanity. Opinions within ... ICLEI Agenda 21 - YouTube ► 7:15► 7:15 youtube/watch?v=NjqgdWcKLlk Apr 10, 2011 - Uploaded by Superlibertytv Commissioner Richard Rothschild, a county level elected board member educates the public ... BUT NOT UNLESS WE BEGIN TO MAKE MANY MANY CHANGES !!!
Posted on: Sat, 13 Jul 2013 07:28:02 +0000

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