ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS IS FOR EVERYONE TO PLEASE TAKE THE TIME TO READ AND SHARE! Half of Congress are millionaires. And even the ones who are not make an average of 150,000 dollars. The average american HOUSEHOLD income is 50,000 dollars. Every member of my family makes half that or less a year. The issue isnt racial. It is trust. Obama is allowing 5 million undocumented illegal immigrants to live in America. We dont even have enough jobs for us Americans. The issue is in our government. They are rich and comfortable and they dont care about america. They are completely self-centered. This goes way deeper than rioting or people being murdered by untrustworthy officers, or officers being murdered by civilians. How can the government expect for people who have no job or money to take care of their babies and wives and helpless families without illegally finding ways to provide? Welfare and food stamps are not enough. It is time for change. It is time for revolution! And it starts in the hearts of WE THE PEOPLE!!!! The Constitution has not changed. The people have changed. It is time to take a stand. How long will we allow this to go on? They are going against the very foundation this country was built on, going against God Himself. Very soon WE THE PEOPLE, not the rich government, will be within our CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS to demand reform. These words are not treason. I know my rights. In this day and age it is important that every man and woman know their rights. It is time for change. It is time to, AS A NATION, TURN BACK TO GOD!!! Because he is the only One who can turn this country around. Our country is flooded in debt and poverty and evil. The rich do as they will with little to no consequence as the poor do jail time for providing for their families. In no way do I condone illegal activities!!! But what are the poor expected to do? Allow their babies to stative and die? I would rather serve time for stealing food from a government ran facility (Walmart, save-a-lot) then allow a child to starve to death and go to jail for whatever they would charge that parent for. Please share this. It is important that we know what is really happening in OUR country! What happened to WE THE PEOPLE!? This is not a dictatorship, is not a country ran by the government. This is a country ran by us as americqn citizens. I take no pride in being a so called American any longer. Lets take a stand. The ball is in our court. How are we going to play it?
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 10:23:48 +0000

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