ALTHOUGH I DON’T WANT TO SEE ANYMORE OF OUR TROOPS GO BACK INTO IRAQ, I FEAR THAT IF WE ARE TO SURVIVE AND STOP ISIS WE WILL HAVE TO SEND THEM THERE. EACH DAY that passes ISIS is getting stronger, if we have any hope of stopping them it has to be now. We to have serious bomb drops and tracking of their armies and of their camp sites. Once they have reached our country we will have little chance of stopping them. Princeton University professor Robert George warned Wednesday that the Islamic State will carry out “mass slaughter in the United States” if it is not soon “destroyed as a fighting force.” “They have every intention of getting [to the United States], and these are people who achieve what they set out to achieve,” George said on The Glenn Beck Program with guest host Dana Loesch. “Unless somebody stops them, they make good on their threats. They have threatened to carry out activity in the United States — killing people, mass slaughter in the United States.” “Believe me, I plead with you, I want your listeners to believe me — these people will do it if they can,” George continued. “And they will be able to do it unless we stop them.” The Princeton professor described the Islamic State as “genocidal,” saying: “They mean to wipe out entire communities, and there is nothing they will stop short of when it comes to achieving their goal.” “Our well-being, our security, our place in the world are vitally threatened by ISIS and ISIL,” he said. “They will stop at nothing … in order to destroy anyone standing in their way so that they can establish the caliphate.” theblaze/stories/2014/08/27/profs-chilling-warning-islamic-state-will-carry-out-mass-slaughter-in-the-u-s-if-not-stopped-soon/
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 22:42:42 +0000

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