ALs Ramblins by John A. Burgess the third column since the - TopicsExpress


ALs Ramblins by John A. Burgess the third column since the 1980s MURDOCH! The Post below came to me today from a family friend. Chad Elmore: You had a Germany Sheppard (murdock) several years ago that I believe ate humans. REPLY John Burgess Now Chad, certainly you exaggerate . So far as we know Murdoch actually consumed ( including bones) only two humans. However, t here are still six people unaccounted for. You might make that seven if you include that postman who fled our house, cothes torn, missing one shoe, and his bloodshot eyes wide, and full of terror - last known address a mental institution in Canada. Well, I guess if you was to count him the number could be a bit higher. Then again there is Bill Shaw. Most people know Bill Shaw. At the time he was Chief Deputy Sheriff, stood some 6 6, weighed 300 lbs and was as strong as a bull moose. I cant recall why Bill came over to our house that afternoon, but I do remember he was driving his Chief Deputy Sheriffs car. We didnt even know he was parked outside in our driveway until we heard him screaming. Now, I had heard men scream before, more than a few, but Im here to tell you that I never heard a grown man , much less one his size, make that kind of noise. I wont even attempt to try to describe it except to say it sounded much like the squeal of a wounded rabbit mixed with that of a man being dragged to the guillotine. It was. . . it was . . . well, it was just outright horrible. Now Bill Shaw isnt any man to be trifled with. He has arrested and jailed many a tough, hardened criminal that wouldnt even attempt to resist, but this was an entirely different Bill. When we got out to his car we found that big, tough example of manhood right on top of his Sheriffs car screaming, hollering and pleading for help. In between yells I think he was doing a little praying, too. Standing on the concrete beside the car, hair bristled, teeth bared, feet spread was115 pounds of threatening canine that went by the name of Murdoch. He was looking up at trembling Bill Shaw with death in his narrowed eyes. It was a sight to behold. When Ginny reached Doc (short for Murdoch) she took in the situation in a matter of seconds. Then, with gentleness, she knelt beside Murdock and wrapped one arm around him, laid her head against his and said sweetly, now Murdoch why do you want to frighten poor Bill like that? As if by magic, better still an act of God, there occurred a transformation that was truly unbelievable. A horrible snarl, bearing sharp white teeth accented by long canines and covered with slobber reverted to a smooth, kind muzzle that turned and licked Ginny across the cheek - his face happy, bristling hair lying flat, and his spread feet in a normal stance. Now I dont reckon I ever heard Bill Shaw utter a single curse word. In spite of his size, strength and reputation as a tough lawman, Bill is a good, easy going Christian man that attends church every Sunday with his wife, Judy. He was also a good friend of our whole family. I guess that Murdoch must have changed all that. When he licked Ginny across the cheek I heard a guttural moan come from atop the Sheriffs car. Well Ill be damned said Bill softly, a slight tremble in his voice. You can come on down now said Ginny, giving Murdoch another big hug. Doc wagged his tail then looked up at Bill and gave a soft growl.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 10:24:42 +0000

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