AMAZING THE OCT 7 SHOW - DO YOU NEED A TOUCHING STORY LISTEN ECOUTE CA! si tes Anglais ou Français ou Shiak ou other whatever- whatever the language, whatever. It is the SHARING of stories that can bring us together! I listened to a radio show i love but havent heard for a while our/mine changing ways of consuming that as i think of a friends comment tonight of thanking Spotify, and my more recent usage of itunes radio and youtube), this was a reminder of why i love my people-talking-radio, that it reaches when it does beyond the shallow and commercial - The Vinyl Cafe - this radio show that i listened to the other night on CBC was amazing i have not been able to listen able to as much when i might/would want to, to sound, music and especially radio these past few years, with my hearing issues, yet almost falling back into it with the changing season of autumn here, the other night as i was baking cookies, i turned on my radio and made sure it was on the english CBC, my kitchen old style actual analogue radio is recently usually tuned on for local radio-Can and other french and coop radio, after the near neo torture of from when working part time recently in an environment where commercial radio was on way too much, and i happily curiously fell upon one of my old standards and so there i was i listened to Stuart Mcleans Vinyl Cafe. And WOW! The Whole show was glorious for so many reasons. First his voice this host who ive listened to on one CBC show or another for most of my life his voice an essential a part fo my youth and my make up, then his story and how he tells it, about a class trip to Quebec City and this young boys experiences there. it was so absolutely touching! For whatever mood you are in if you enjoy a good camp-fire story and or are need of something comforting beautiful sweet tear making smile making laughter having take a listen. Then for anyone a segment the last half an hour interspersed with some great new music, - politically/culturally especially for or of with an angle pertaining to our awareness, relationships perspectives on history as Canadians French English or Native or what have you how ever you are self identifying and for Australians for same historical/cultural reasons, there is an amazing reply/essay/response/apology - of such consideration and articulation it was just such an amazing listen touching tender sweet funny emotional raw real gorgeous from beginning to end. If your sad or happy this will only help or compliment maybe inspire. Most Recent Show Broadcast Date: Oct 7, 2014 Location/Title: Studio show: HISTORY Notes: Sam’s class takes a school trip to Quebec City. THE OCT 7 show. It was So good!
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 05:08:11 +0000

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