AMAZING review of our album :D Every once in a while working in - TopicsExpress


AMAZING review of our album :D Every once in a while working in this industry you get the chance to discover a band that has that something extra, that quality which makes them shine above all the rest; incredible musicians, powerful vocals, awesome and original tracks. Jupiter Falls is one such band and I feel the word awesome fails to do these guys justice. Tasked with reviewing the album I already knew how good two of the tracks were with World War Three and To the Point, (the bands released singles) but like so many bands before them would their album live up to expectation or simply join the ranks of the average? Within seconds of the opening track Awake I knew, I felt they would not let me down. Atmospheric, dark and powerful with fantastic use of guitar solos this could easily be the soundtrack to a Hollywood Blockbuster movie. With the following two tracks Chasing The Dragon and To The Point, were suddenly exposed to a more pop/rock feel as the tracks bounce along at break-neck speed and an amazing use of guitar solos are reminiscent of the greats such as Brian May and Gary Moore. Let me not forget the powerful vocals from frontman James whose distinctive yet versatile voice brings an edge to the band, delivering an epic tour de force which only a few bands ever achieve. The album rolls on from track to track so effortlessly that you are submerged into each story with such passion that you are taken on a wonderful journey of exploration through both the cleverly written lyrics and the sublime music. When The Time Is Right is a song which brings together all the successful elements which truly make this band outstanding. The seamless voice of frontman James is on top form and combined with an epic drum section from drummer Lewie and monstrous guitar pieces from Deano, Dan and Matt make this song definitely a favourite on the album. At this point Im wondering if the band will run out of steam, after all we are half way through and it wouldnt be unusual to see album-fillers complete the line up. My fears are allayed as next up is the stunning World War Three, followed by the very catchy End Of The World which has a sound which almost reminds me of Bon Jovi. The next two tracks to follow (Bitter and Lei é Quella) continue in that same rock style which the band deliver in spades. We reach the finale with Where Are You Now, a slow build up lulls you into a false sense of security. That eerie dark voice returns, calling to you, pulling you in. Drums, guitars, music at its very best. Jupiter Falls début album Revolution is five young talented lads combining their collective skills to bring you an album so unexpected, so immense that you are left in awe as to the power of the beast. If you intend on buying one more album this year, buy Revolution – This is music at its very best. Simply Amazing. Mark Taylor Love Leeds Radio
Posted on: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 10:43:30 +0000

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