AMERICA IS TOO YOUNG TO DIE! …While “liberty” and - TopicsExpress


AMERICA IS TOO YOUNG TO DIE! …While “liberty” and “freedom” are terms defined by the constitution, fairness is not. It is an undefined, relative state that progressives wish to have you believe is an absolute. That means that one day it will come to be defined by some government bureaucracy, at which point it will be neither fair nor absolute. By then you may have been complicit in the demise of your own liberty by not paying adequate attention to the type of people you allowed to govern this great country. And this day just came. Be frightened for your future by the continual drip, drip, dripping away of your liberties that once gone will be gone forever. Teach your children to learn from history, it has happened before... ...Make no mistake. When Barack Hussein Obama says, “We have more work to do,” he’s not talking about jobs or the economy. He is talking about literally DISMANTLING the United States Constitution! …I was born in Poland, a socialist country. From my childhood until the age of 26, I was able to see what socialism does to people. I have seen what freedom, democracy, justice, and social equality, preached by socialists, truly stands for. And I have to tell you that the truth is very different from what is presented by Obama’s government and the media’s propaganda. “In socialism there is no hope, no freedom, and no pride in achievement.” I want to assure you, in socialism, nothing is free. Help from the government, if any, comes from peoples’ own capital, which was previously stolen from them by the socialist regime. Government handouts make people more and more dependent and enslaved. In socialism, there is no division between the rich and the poor. All of the people live on a similar level, regardless of their education or type of work. Everything is planned by the regime, so the workers’ earnings, or the so-called “government benefits”, are sufficient only for simple survival. In socialism, people become poorer year after year. And that is what I see is happening right now in this country. America’s wealth came from the efforts of individualism. Yes, in Obama’s America, the rich will be poorer, but the poor will also be poorer. It seems as if people do not learn from the past. Despite evidence of so many millions of victims of socialism and communism, too many politicians still praise this slave system of government. I wrote the book, “Freedom Under Socialism”, about my life experiences in the tyranny of socialism. I wrote my story not because I wanted to write a book. My book came from my great frustration about recent events in respect to our constitutional rights and liberties, which the present government is trying to erase from our history and our future. I want to warn the people and tell them the truth about what is coming to America with Obama’s “fundamental change.” I already lived by this tyranny once and when I saw what Obama’s changes have already done to this country, I am scared to live by it again. Socialism it has already delivered mass starvation, poverty, and terror to its own people. It promises universal brotherhood, peace, and prosperity, but delivers conspiracy which gains power through deception and stays in power with brute force. These are the facts that can be found in every history book. And we, as the American people, cannot ignore them. I am just one more voice of many, who, not by accident, came to America for the same reasons - freedom. On the other hand, have you ever seen a person who has left the United States for a better future? I haven’t. Ever! Our great president and patriot Ronald Reagan ones said: “America is the last free land on Earth; if we lose our freedom here there is no place to escape to.” This is so true. Socialism is poverty. If you are a parent, can you imagine telling your child that there is nothing for them to eat in the morning? Can you imagine telling your children that you don’t have even simple bread to feed them? I remember the time when my mother had to face this horrible truth. In socialism, food is not something that you can just go to the store and buy. Under socialism, food was something that you had to organize. Imagine that suddenly all of the food in stores vanished, leaving only mustard, and vinegar. That is what happened in Poland in 1980. The food was rationed, and standing days and nights in a line was the only way to get some. However, there was no certainty that one would. Food was not the only thing that we had to deal with. There were shortages of absolutely everything from food, clothing, and furniture and so on. This is the environment that I grew up in. Socialism means constantly thinking about how to survive tomorrow. And I know firsthand. I remember how terribly Polish families struggled to survive, because my family was one of them. In socialism, you do not see the wealthy people on the streets. You can only see miserable, poor citizens, with no hope for a better future. This is because their future is empty and their dreams are shallow. Life for them means to fight every day to buy ordinary bread and dream that one day they may be the proud owners of a washing machine, refrigerator or TV... Now I am here in the United States of America. I love my country beyond words because true life in freedom began in America for me, and not in socialism and communism. Wake up America! Do not let our freedom be taken away from us, for, “after America, there is no place to go!” God bless America! amazon/Freedom-Under-Socialism-Ela-Brzezinski/dp/061560529X/ref=sr_1_1_title_1_har?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1336108417&sr=1-1
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 21:43:33 +0000

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