AMERICANS TARGET OF LARGEST MEDIA BRAINWASHING CAMPAIGN HISTORY By Lonnie Wolfe Executive Intelligence Review larouchepub 10-16-1 Introduction: Are You Brainwashed? Are you brainwashed? What about some of your neighbors, are they brainwashed? Before you answer that, let us ask you a few preliminary questions: Do you believe that the United States was struck by a terrorist attack on Sept. 11? Do think that the people behind that attack were Arabs and that its mastermind was this fellow Osama bin Laden, operating from a cave in Afghanistan? Do you believe that the way to stop terrorism is to hit them hard, to hit them at their bases in such places as Afghanistan, and to hit the nations who might sponsor them, like, say Iraq? And what about the economy? Do you think that the recent fall of the stock market, and the weakness in the economy, have been caused by the Sept. 11 attacks? Well, if you answered yes to any of these questions, you probably are brainwashed! If you answered yes to more than one, you are definitely a goner. But, you, reply, isnt that what most people think? Wouldnt they answer those questions the same way I do? Well, the answer to that is, yes. But, we would remind you: Just because the majority of people might BELIEVE something to be true, doesnt make it true. All it means, is that you and most of your neighbors are suffering from a mass delusion--or, put more bluntly: YOU ARE BRAINWASHED. So, the question is, really, how did you get this way? How did you come to believe things like those statements in the first questions were true? Well, I heard it on.... Well, I saw it on.... Well, I read it in.... You neednt bother finishing those statements; we can do it for you: You, and your neighbors were told the truth by the mass media. The American news media, which is so proud of calling itself free, and has been patting itself on it back for the wonderful job it has done for all us during and after Sept. 11, is the largest, most expensive, mass-brainwashing machine ever assembled in human history. It is a machine that so completely brainwashes the nearly 300 millions Americans, that the Nazis infamous Propaganda Minister Josef Goebbels would be envious. Here are the essential facts of what happened on Sept. 11: According to Democratic Presidential pre-candidate Lyndon LaRouche, whose assessment is shared by many competent specialists on terrorism and irregular warfare, in this country and around the world, what took place was not a terrorist attack, but strategic, covert special operation, organized to have the appearance of a terrorist attack. Mr. LaRouche and others concur that, given both its scope, and the extent of the cover-up and misdirection which followed, such an operation could not have been organized by any Arab terrorist cells or networks, nor by an Arab or Middle Eastern state, nor any combination of the above; it had to be organized from within the United States, with the participation and connivance of a rogue network within the Anglo-American intelligence and military establishment. As with any such covert special operation, there is a psychological warfare component, intended to maximize its effectiveness against a targetted enemy, to confuse that enemy and misdirect him. In the case of the Sept. 11 attack, the targetted enemy is the POPULATION OF THE UNITED STATES AND ITS CONSTITUTIONAL GOVERNMENT. The psywar component of the operation is being carried out by the American media-machine, with the intent to brainwash the American people INTO ACCEPTING THE ONGOING COUP DETAT AGAINST OUR CONSTITUTIONAL GOVERNMENT. Does that mean that the directors of the U.S. mass media are involved in the operation? No; it doesnt work that way. As EIR explained and documented in a 1997 special report, the U.S. media are controlled and run as a cartel, by the Anglo-American establishment. As such, it routinely serves the interest of that establishment, reporting what it wants, and suppressing what it doesnt want reported; or slanting reporting to conceal reality. Thus, the medias performance before, during and after Sept. 11 could be prediscounted by those who planned the operation, so as to become a feature of it; it were merely required to insert certain specific psyops content into this media-brainwashing apparatus, for it to be spread far and wide with the desired effects on you and your neighbors. The brainwashing methods are relatively simple and classic. First, use the terror itself to put people into a state of shock, making them more susceptible to suggestion. Then resort to the Big Lie technique to repeatedly hammer home your psywar message--those affirmative answers to the questions we first asked. And most importantly, lie, by suppressing all counter-evidence, by refusing to report anything that might point to the assessment shared by Mr. LaRouche and others: the cover-up. All this has been done, along with initial softening of the population to the mass delusional suggestion of the enemy image and the alleged capabilities and motivations of the so-called terrorists, PRIOR TO THE LAUNCHING OF THE ATTACK ITSELF. Dont be so hasty in dismissing the possibility of your own brainwashing. The enemy knows your profile and uses it. Doesnt that make you a bit angry--maybe for the right reasons, for the first time in a few weeks? Our report below is designed to give you a view from inside this brainwashing process, to see how it has worked on you and your neighbors. And, while we cant yet say who precisely is behind what was done to this country--is still being done--we can show you how they think about brainwashing and use your weaknesses against you. To Continue reading click on this link: rense/general15/tr.htm
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 09:25:35 +0000

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