AN INTERESTING NARRATIVE OF THE ORIGIN AND HISTORY OF THE URHOBO PEOPLE ! This is a rejoinder to Reverend Dr. Charles E. Osumes attack on me for daring to say; in my article titled, The origin of Okpe Ethnic group controversy that Okpe people are Urhobo. I sympathize with Uncle Reverend Osumes position because he is caught between myth (Religion) and reality & his moral entrepreneurship is lost in his bent to remove Okpe from Urhobo, a decision informed by racism. This article is also an attempt to disabuse the minds of Urhobo people who think and believe that they are subservient to other tribes; for, lacking original history makes kings believe that they are inferior. It is true that if a people are unable to unearth their history; others will do it for them and this is why the oldest book of Esiri (Osiris), also known as book of Revelation, aptly revealed in chapter two verse nine, (Rev. 2:9) that those who call themselves Jews are not Jews. In the same vain; people who claim to be royals from the beginning of time, when properly investigated one can discover that they were not (Im not referring to Okpe here). The Urhobo of today; based on collective ignorance believed that they are a small ethnic group whose ancestors contributed little to the civilisation of the world and therefore thoughts are abound as conquered people in the small map of Nigeria. To the contrary. Urhobo history is what rules the world today to my surprise after research. Indeed Urhobo and Yoruba are the greatest tribes that brought civilisation to the world. This is the reality and no myth. It becomes injurious to hear that; some parts of Urhobo are bent on tarnishing her name in the mud in the fashion of her past conquerors as many nations have done to themselves. My grouse with the Okpe scholars have been the minimalist grouping of us (Okpe) under Benin of the seventeen century history and thereby advertising us short. The basing of our lineage ancestry of King Esezi of seventeen century is too modern and places us as new kingdom with no father hence I say now that the first Okpe king, known in history was the second king of ancient Egypt called MENA before the zero dynasty of 3150 BC, being the second king after Esiri (Greeks changed it to Osiris). A further investigation is needed to unravel this hidden and suppressed history. The Greeks also changed Menas name to menes. I know these names to be Urhobo i.e. Esiri and Mena because of the antecedents of the culture of our people and their names stored in my genetic memory bank. When you consider the name Lemuria; a name when pronounced in Urhobo Nemuria, a serpent people of a dissolved civilisation, then you will agree with me that they are Urhobo people. For instance the image which symbolises this Nemuria Island is a snake (serpent) which looks at its tail when it makes a gesture to eat it (the tail). Literally; this is the movement of the sun which rises in the morning and dies in the evening, thereby forming a circle of the Zero, of which is the shape of the sun. The sun on its own is a nuclear reactor (See and click on ATUMU (ATOM: First to be: In Creation), ATAMU (Solidarity): MAKING SENSE OF URHOBO LANGUAGE IN ANCIENT EGYPT. This Island people where said to have annihilated themselves by an explosion or implosion in the distant past. The Niger Delta and some West African countries are a place where the serpent is worshipped till today. This is not all about witch-craft but the worship of the true God; a religion which had been suppressed, stolen and transformed to be Christianity and Islam today in the form of Ekpeti-Ra (petra) that is the rock of the church. I leave more of this to some other write-ups. In this order; there was Nemuria (Lemuria), Atlantis islands and Ancient Egypt civilisations. I found out that these civilisations had the culture of Urhobo and for lack of history (not lack of it) in Urhobo, we cannot move forward because there are no role models to emulate but mundane and forged historiography of others who are part of us. Where-as our ancestors have excelled and ruled the world before, some of their records were destroyed and others usurped to make way for emperors, empires, empirical data, Christianity and Islam. For instance; Esiris (Osiris, also known as Aesa, Assa, Asa, Esa etc.) and Urohs (Horus) characteristics were used for the invention of Christianity. Esiri married his Sister Isi (gene of Isi, Genesis), was killed by Seth his brother (Greek Typhon) because of jealousy. At the time of his death; he and Isi had no child but Isi who was a virgin made him impregnate her while dead by immaculate conception, and this is re-echoed in Christianity. Their offspring was named Uroh (Penis). A name that was changed to Horu and pluralized to Horus. Surprisingly; all the characteristics of Uroh was used for Jesus. Please see ( (Igbo) priest and prophet in the Bible) for full details. And Uroh (Horus) was raised secretly in the marshes of the Nile Delta to protect him from his evil uncle Seth (Historical deception: the untold story of Ancient Egypt, Moustafa Gadalla, p55, some are my emphassis). So was Jesus who was raised in hiding from King Herod. Indeed, the Greek number four alphabet is the triangle representing the Pyramid and the number 4 is known as Ene in Uvwie, an Urhobo ethnic group. Today, we still live in the Niger Delta away from the Delta of the Nile River with the Itsekiri who lived in Goshen of the Nile. Remember, Aesa or Esa is the Trinitiy and Divinity of Esiri, Horus and Isi which represents Esiri for root, Uroh in the middle and Isi for Head. Three Chakras. No coincidence please we built the Pyramids. Furthermore, Aesa (Esiri, Horus, Asa, Esa,) was resurrected as a soul to rule and judge in the nether land (ibid). The fact is, this same history can be seen in many books of Ancient Egypt about Esiris resurrection and judgement of the world. Besides, the Muslims know Jesus as Issa (Essa). But do we see anything like this in Christianity some six-ten thousand (6000-10.000) years after? Yes of course; this is where the fear of heavenly world is placed, Urhobo belief system. This reminds me of an utterance accredited to an Urhobo prolific writer & Author on a BBC TV programme where he is at sea with his own musing that he is unable to find his own tribal gods some four to five years ago. I was dumbfounded and scandalised. Urhobo gods are everywhere in their symbols. ANCIENT EGYPT (URHOBO) CREATION STORY OF THE UNIVERS. Before proceeding to compare the so-called mythical creation stories by three ethnic groups of the World; I will like to say that, efforts had been made by Governments, tribes and Religions to distort, re-edit, copy and obfuscate the Egyptian history. In this case, Greece and the State of Israel stands out boldly as people who have usurped the Egyptian history. When I explain some of the god names of Ancient Egypt in the world creation story, you will be left with no doubt as to the origin and authenticity of these names. But nonetheless, these people should be commended for the translation from hieroglyphs to other languages and English for our eyes to see today though others tried to destroy all our history but never knew some facts will filter out one day to contradict their story line of the Bible. THE EGYPTIAN (URHOBO) VERSION. The Ancient creation story of the world according to Ancient Egyptians who were Urhobos states that; the world began as a watery mass called Nun (which from our Urhobo language is ENUN for mouth) from which the sun and or tongue Atum (Urhobo for ATUMU, i.e. first to stand or be) came out on a mound. Atum then begot the deities of Shu (Urhobo expression for surprise and the onomatopoeia for sneeze) the god of Air, and Tephnut (Urhobo for Otavenu, i.e. word and mouth) which is moisture. And these in-turn begat Keb (Kebe, ground on which we plant ebe, trees and fruits, shrubs etc) which is the earth. And Nut (Enute, Urhobo for reach up) the sky deity. From the deity of Enute (also Kenute) we also got Canoe of the English word for small boat because the zodiac of Kenute goddess resembles a small boat. Kebe and Enute (Earth and Sky deities respectively) then went on to produce our first Ancestor King and Queen in Ancient Egypt known as Esiri and Isi (Osiris and Isis, in pluralized form). Including Set and Nephthys (Im yet to crack who Set and Nephthys are). (The Gods of the Egyptians, E.A. Wallis Bulge p308) also ( History of Urhobo.htm) [Some are my emphasis]. It is obvious that the story makes sense in relation to the names and meanings in Urhobo and no other tribe in the world. (Please go to the website to complete the history) nigeriavillagesquare/articles/guest-articles/get-off-the-backs-of-my-children.html
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 17:24:13 +0000

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