AN OPEN LETTER TO BIN BAZZ ABOUT MAULID. My dear brothers and - TopicsExpress


AN OPEN LETTER TO BIN BAZZ ABOUT MAULID. My dear brothers and sisters in Islam, I great you with the Islamic salutation, Assalam alaikum warahmatullah wabarkatahu. It is my pleasure to share with you evidence of MAULID in both Hadith and Quran. I hope we will agree or disagree with each other in a calm and respectful manner without insult. Remember we are all Muslims, and we are here to learn and add to what we already know. What I am writing about is not new. Many have written on that subject even better than I. I am nothing but a Talib (student) and Murid (follower) just like you. SAUDI JAREEDA Quoted Sheikh Bin Bazz saying, Maulid, an Evil Act. Bellow is the Jareeda and Sheikh Bin Bazz. I refute it with facts. 1stly, Ibn Taymiya says regarding maulud, in his book, Iqtidaau Siraatul Mustaqeem, that some people do maulud and it will be unto them enormous blessings for the good intention they have of dignifying Rasoolullah. This alone is sufficient to cripple Sheikh Bin Bazz. (Bukhari 1865) Ibn Abass (ra) narrated, The prophet (s) came to Madina and saw the jews fasting on the day of Ashura. He asked, What is this? They said, This is a righteous day, it is the day when Allah saved the children of Israel from their enemies, so Moses fasted on that day. He said, We have more right to Musa than you. So He fast fasted on that day and commanded (the Muslims to fast on that day) Jews do Ashura not Muslim. Here, Rasul (saw) implored it into Islam without a revelation. he used his Ikma to do so. It is called Bida Al-Hassan. It means Good innovation. Saeedna Umar (ra) also called Tarahwih prayers as Bida Al-Hassan when he used his ikma to add Tarawih prayers into Islam. We have also used our ikma to celebrate Maulid. It is called Bida Alhassan. If it is wise and sufficient to add into Islam what the jews do, because it is a good thing, then we own our hearts the pleasure of gathering on a ground to narrate the majesty stories of Rasul (saw) and to praise him as well. It is called Maulid. Come to think of it, Rasul (saw) himself fast each Monday to commemorate and thank Allah for his birth. (B) Allah himself commands us to celebrate Maulid. Allah says in sura Al-Nisa verse 170, O Mankind! The Messenger hath come to you in truth from Allah: Believe in him. It is better for you. The messenger here is Rasul (saw). The emphases here is the last sentence, ...It is better for you. Now read this, Say! in the Bounty of Allah and His Mercy, let the Believers rejoice. That is better than the wealth they hoard. (Quran 10:56). The emphases here is, That is better than the wealth they hoard. Now compare, It is better for you. with, That is better than than the wealth they hoard. After comparing them, we deduce that, the two verses are talking about Annabi Muhammadu (saw) and that Annabi Muhammdu (saw) is the Bounty and the Mercy and that he is better than the wealth we amass. There is no way Allah will tell us to rejoice in wealth while at the same time says we should rejoice in wealth. May Allah forbid! If you disagree that Rasul (saw) is the Bounty and the Mercy, you cannot escape this: Allah says, “Say: If it be that your fathers, your sons, your brothers, your mates, or your kindred; the wealth you which you delight, are dearer to you than Allah, or His messenger...the n wait until Allah brings about His decision, and Allah guides not the rebellious.” This verse strongly agrees that Rasul (saw) is far far better than our parents, children and wealth. So when Allah is talking about Bounty and Mercy, he is not talking about Wealth or blood relations, but Annabi Muhammadu (saw). Now that we know Rasul (saw) is the Bounty and the Mercy, let us see what Allah says about him, O Mankind! The Messenger hath COME to you in truth from Allah: Believe in him. Allah says we should believe in Rasul (saw) right? hm! Let us now see what Allah COMMANDED us to do to him. Allah says, Say! (that is command to Rasul (saw)) in the Bounty of Allah and His Mercy, let the Believers REJOICE. That is better (than the wealth) they hoard. (Quran 10:56). If Allah is telling us to believe in Rasul (saw) and you do so, why do you have a problem in Rejoicing in him? Allah himself commanded us to rejoice in Rasul (saw). WHAT IS MORE REJOICING THAN TO GATHER ON A SINGLE GROUND ON THE DAY THIS BOUNTY and MERCY WAS BORN TO NARRATE THE MAJESTIC SIERRA (STORIES) OF THIS BOUNTY and MERCY-ANNABI MUHAMMADU (SAW)? MAULID. Allah says in the last verse of Sura Duha, As for the bounty of Allah, proclaim it. The bounty of Allah to Rasul (saw) is that, Allah made Rasul (saw) as a Messenger and gave him Islam and strengthen him with Quran. For that matter our Bounty is Rasul (saw) who taught us Islam, United us, cleans our hearts and set for us a standard of good moral behavior. Allah is telling us here again to proclaim him. So while Rasul (saw) proclaims Allah (for Islam), we proclaim both Allah and Rasul (saw) as our bounty, in sha Allah. We chose a day in a year to gather on a field, Mosques, homes to proclaim Annabi Muhmmadu (saw) as the bounty of Allah...and that is Maulidu Nabih Mustaphal Ameen (saw). We dignify him, and Allah is pleased with that and Allah will reward us as Ibn Taymiya says regarding maulud, in his book, Iqtidaau Siraatul Mustaqeem, that some people do maulud and it will be unto them enormous blessings for the good intention they have of dignifying Rasoolullah May Allah open the heart and ayes of Sheikh Bin Bazz to reconsider his view regarding Maulid. I am your servant. Maassalam.
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 07:02:15 +0000

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