ANOTHER FAST KILLER I FOUND IN THE BODY OF CHRIST TODAY ... VOL 1 The Lord ministered some things to me years back about the massive confusion going on in the Church. it is a universal truth that things have gone wrong in the body of Christ and also that much false teachers and prophets have also emerged, which the bible also said that by their fruit we shall know them, the devil also understand that we know this truth that he has engaged many in his worship under the cover or claim of worshiping the true God just to deceive people. He saw that many servants can not be bought over by him because they truly love God and do not want or wish to ever disappoint God, so being a man of many devises he created another assignment for them, which they are faithfully carrying out without knowing it, without knowing they are already running errand for the devil. The Lord Himself made me to understand this. He said that many servants have left their assignment and now running the ministry of discussing co-ministers even in the church, public places, before their staff. The highest market now is fishing out those who are fakes. Pastors now sit down to mention the list of fake pastors and where they got the charm they used in pulling crowd and organizing fake miracles. So many have listed the names of fakes that he or she will never talk or listen to, I once saw a man of God who sits in front of his television to mock one prominent man of God with his family and when you watch him talk you see hatred flowing from his belly towards that man of God and he keeps questioning their authority. Now the thing is this, do fake exist, yes they exist, are they going to be judged, yes they will, but hear what the Lord says ! Amazingly the Lord said, many of my great servants have been reduced to mere noise makers, you claim to have the main truth and genuine power and promise from God but you decided to lavish all your strength in gossip. The man who you address as fake is busy working but you who are genuine were busy doing nothing. The Lord said let my people return to me and renew their strength, pick up their hoes and return back to farm, pick up their guns and return to battle. These days people become stars over night by simply publishing and attaching some group of pastors as fake. No one can vow they are real or fakes but only God know and reward them according to their work, whether good or bad. Did God also publishing names and pictures of fakes as path of your ministry, if so continue ! TO CONCLUDE ... IF YOU ARE A MINISTER FACE YOUR WORK AND CALLING, IF YOU ARE BETTER THAN THEM , SHOW YOUR PROOF . DEPOPULATE THE KINGDOM OF DARKNESS AND LETS CLOSE FALSE CHURCHES, WE CAN NOT ACHIEVE IT BY ONLY TALKING AND ACCUSATION. OUR WORK AND PRAYERS CAN DO A GREAT DEAL, CHEERS !!
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 10:28:35 +0000

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