ARABS PLAY LET’S HIM AND YOU FIGHT. ———————————————————— Egypt calls for global action. Arab League says it supports action against Islamic State. United States encouraged. —Wait a minute! What’s wrong with this? The Islamic State is an Arab problem, it’s their baby, their monster, and a major threat to a vast majority of Arab moderates. So they’re supporting us? That’s bass ackwards. We should be supporting their efforts to clean up their own house. They’re playing let’s him and you fight. This is nothing but what the duplicitous Saudis have been doing all along, exporting extremism and claiming to be our friends. Why are we such suckers? The answer is not only our dependence on Middle East oil but our economic dependence on Endless War Inc. to support an economy that mainly exists to make Wall Street racketeers rich. Do we think the Arabs don’t know this? The Arabs are tricking us, our own fearmongering press is tricking us, our government is tricking us, and we are tricking ourselves.
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 15:15:24 +0000

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