ARE YOU MISSING A NUMBER FROM YOUR NAME???? find out what it - TopicsExpress


ARE YOU MISSING A NUMBER FROM YOUR NAME???? find out what it means............ 1-A-J-S 2-B-K-T 3-C-L-U 4-D-M-V 5-E-N-W 6-F-O-X 7-G-P-Y 8-H-Q-Z 9-I-R MISSING A ONE? NO:1 KARMIC LESSON NUMBER This karmic lesson number indicates that there should be more initiative and determination in life. You have to make important decisions in life and should stand up for the same in times of opposition. There would be a constant struggle in your life for freedom from those around you. You have to be firm in your footing else you would be suppressed by them .Do not be so timid and avoid thinking about others and their thoughts about you. You have to avoid postponing things and should have good confidence in life to come out with flying colors. MISSING A 2? NO:2 KARMIC LESSON NUMBER This karmic lesson number advises you to be more diplomatic in your appraoch towards others. Sometime there would not be any fruits for your toils regarding the society at large. You would do well when it comes to teamwork. This number helps you to understand the feelings and senses of others. Avoid barging onto ideals. Only sheer hardwork clubbed with patience and perseverance shall do good in the long run. MISSING A 3? NO:3 KARMIC LESSON NUMBER Avoid being too serious with life and be joyful as far as possible. Important challenges come all through your life. Be positive with all the approaches as you would be tested in all aspects of life. MISSING A 4? NO:4 KARMIC LESSON NUMBER This karmic lesson number gives the native a confusion about life and its real motive. You need to have a firm foooting about your life and its path, without this strong foundation you would be tossed all over as time moves on. There would be troubles in settling down in a good career of your choice. You start up things with much funfare but with time they lose steam. There should be much focus and inner strenght to come out untarnished in life. MISSING A 5? NO:5 KARMIC LESSON NUMBER With 5 as your karmic lesson number you are advised to life in a more sportive manner. You have to utilize opportunities as they come your way and should not fear of consequences. You are advised to travel widely and gain much experience through the same. You are a person who hates change. But it is better you come out of the shell, broaden your perspective and indulge in much socialising. Have faith in life and the rest of life will take its own course come what may. MISSING A 6? NO:6 KARMIC LESSON NUMBER Wth 6 as your Karmic Lesson number who have a tendency to avoid important commitments in life. It is more relevant in marriage and other close relationships in life. You need to learn to communication your emotions and feelings to those close in life. Else you have to remain in solitude. Show that you love them and care for them by words and deeds as often as possible. Giving and taking should also happen in both the channels. Only then you can establish close relations in life. Good friends also come into your life. MISSING A7? NO:7 KARMIC LESSON NUMBER Number 7 as the karmic lesson number points out that you need to hone your skills in a particular area. You should not be a scatterbrain. You seem to remain out of focus in life. Garner all your energy and focus on your forte. You should learn to werigh the pros and cons as well. Do not judge people by their outward looks. Look beneath the skin. You shall come out with fascinating results. Learn to rope in your fullest potential. MISSING A 8? NO:8 KARMIC LESSON NUMBER This karmic lesson number points out that though much finances come for you you shall land up in troubled waters frequently due to lack of planning and vigil when it comes to spending and saving. You want yourself to be left along and do not like others ofraying into your territory. You have a stubborn personality inside you which hates all sorts of authority be it in professional or personal life. You have to learn the limits of your finances and how to deal with the same. MISSING A 9?? NO:9 KARMIC LESSON NUMBER Number 9 as the karmic lesson number indicates that you should be more committed to the cause of others. You should learn from others around you in this aspect. You should be ready to give up some of your ideals in life for the sake of mankind at large. You should be able to look at the broader picture rather than bending over trivail issues. You have an enormous amount of potential that you would not have realized till date. Make use of this for a social or charitable cause which would give you much mental satisfaction in life.
Posted on: Sun, 08 Jun 2014 23:07:54 +0000

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