ARREST PRESIDENT ZUMA AND JULIUS MALEMA AND LOCK THEM: ONLY TWO uneducated people have burried the vision of better South Africa,and hide behind poor black desparate hungry people Only the truth shall set you free,South Africa lets stand up and say enough is enough,our country cannot be devided between Two uneducated people who have failed to understand the literal meaning ofPolitics and Democracy. Arrest Zuma and Malemaand give us back our country,...Courts,Radio stations,Newspapers,TVs are only speaking of the personal hatred between EFF leader Julius Malema and ANC President Jacob Zuma while ignore the views of ordinary citizens. As a Member of ANCYL in good standing,i fear not even the termination of my existence in the Youth League to stand up and say Zuma and Malema have brought shame to our country,,,,,,We might soon experience Civil war if not the going down of our economy as well as withdrawal of investors,let alone nepotisim and political killings because of Two people who are living with similar cases of corruption. ANC is bound to defend Zuma because now cases are being escalated political by EFF to pay revenge,as well as EFF is bound to defend Malema because cases are being pushed up just to prove a point,the question is who are the two representing?. The way the conflict and hatred is growing between Malema and Zuma,the government has even failed to focus on the tripple challengesPoverty,Inequality and Unemploymen,. A poor Woman in Giyani or Venda or Mpumalanga village is bound to wear a T-shirt of Malema or Zuma just to add number of bodyguards not a counted number to benefit from service delivery. Young people like MzwandileloudspeakerMasina have been reduced into chorus leaders who only speak against democracy. The most intelligent Floyd Shivambu,the most trusted leader of the now generation has been reduced intoMobile Universityof Julius Malema,only speak when Malema is official needed to come and make sense before the country. R250 Million can improve the living standard of poor people in Limpopo but it was used for one person. R16 Million can be used to benefit 15 000 students who are now rejected due to shortage of NSFAS but the amount was misused by one person. Limpopo province is still wounding the damage it suffered under Julius Malema,South Africa suffered great embarassement under President Zuma,time is now they must both be arrested. Young people we are educated but we are stupid,we are like a fig tree that was once cursed by Jesus Christ for failing to bear fruits. Malema and Zuma deserve to live not with us,they have eaten from the plate of the poor and their home is onePrison on behalf of ANC and EFF members,you enjoy life in Gauteng or Cape Town only but you know in your rural area life is bad and you know the culprits...Time is now,speak out. By ET mnisi
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 16:14:42 +0000

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