ASK URSELF IF IT IS WORTH CRYING? Ur Ex is an - TopicsExpress


ASK URSELF IF IT IS WORTH CRYING? Ur Ex is an experiment4ur perfectn,nt an Excuse4ur present prejudice.If u cnt cheer urself up over a joke,y crying continiously ova a loss?STOP d pity party!,it may b d end of ur relatnshp but certainly nt d end of ur lyf.In 1sam 30:4,d bible said David n his men cried until they had no more strength to cry. Do u knw if uve xceeded d cryin limit....,wen u cry til uve no mor strength,in Vs 5,DAVID bcame DISTRESSED,n Vs 6,said his men decided to stone him,it jxt cam to ma notice in dis verse dt d enemy is nt rili after ur break ups,he is after ur JOY n ur LYF.He knws dt if he can mak u cry til uve no strength2cry again,distress wil set in n u wil automatically loose ur joy,den u wil begin to tink of SUICIDE or dying4LOVE(as ROMEO). How culd u allow ur break up to form ur CHARACTER?y shuld u allow ur ugly PAST to define ur philosophy of LOVE?Uve been trapped,such dt u may nt be able to control wot happened to u,bliv me ure certainly incharge of wot happened to u,dnt let ur emotions to control u,n dont giv ur Ex d BOLDNESS to control ur INSIDE!!. No matter hw lengthened ur cry may be,refuse to loose ur JOY,rememeber,not all relatnships leads to MARRIAGE,som relatnshps ar for a reason,others for a season bt jxt few ar 4 a lyftym,al dez ar partz n parcel of lyf,besids it is much beta to ve a broken relatnshp dan a broken home(i.e marriag)d neva ending tournament.plz if it doesnt workout,do not kil urself,do u knw weda Gods using it to reposition u? Wen DAVID saw dey were abt to kil him,.........d bible said he encouraged himself in d Lord.SOMtyms,ur friendz cnt encourage u coz they dont knw hw u feel,or hw shattered ur heart is,u got to encourage urself,talk to urself aloud,in Psychology it is calledsoliloquizing,but a layman says it is speaking to ur SPIRIT. Tell urself it is not d end,d worst has not happened!,its only a bend,u ar WORTH mor dan dis,u ar a ROYALTY,u ar UNBREAKABL,u ar PRECIOUS n ur family loves u,u wil definately come out STRÖNG!!!
Posted on: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 14:35:37 +0000

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