ASK YOURSELF a) When was the last time we cried making dua or - TopicsExpress


ASK YOURSELF a) When was the last time we cried making dua or reading Quran? b) When was the last time we really enjoyed our salah with full concentration? c) When was the last time we made Du’a for those suffering around the world, or for our own families? We know we should pick up the Qur’an and just recite it, understand it, memorise it, but we don’t make the time, because we allow ourselves to become so busy in our endeavours. However, even though we’ve been helping for such a long time, how have we helped ourselves to excel on a personal level? Your Akhirah matters, so you need focus on two elements – the services you provide others and the things you have to do for your own tarbiyyah (spiritual wellbeing, growth). You need a balance between both of them, and not neglect either! You need to be: a) The ones who are your best in terms your conduct, the nicest, the ones who have the confidence to defend Islam. b) You need to make time for yourself as you are role models. c) You need to have the most Taqwa, fear the most, and reflect the most in hope of bettering yourself. The related verse in the Holy Qur’an which makes us understand all this is: “Do you command people to righteousness and forget yourselves whilst you recite the scripture? Have you then no sense?!” (Surah Baqarah, Ayat 44.) How can we save others, when we are suffering ourselves? Take time out today to: 1. Make Du’a for yourself In reality you your success matters! And in the midst of the greatest storm no one can help, except the One who created you. 2. Increase eman through knowledge If you’re involved in an educational institute, make a timetable to go over your notes and benefit from the knowledge that you pass on. If you’re involved in the Isoc/MSA/Masjid enroll yourself on an Islamic seminar and focus on bettering yourself. 3. Focus on your salaah When we raise our hands to say Allahu Akbar, remember that this is an act of worship and that Allah is Greater than whatever you’re planning to do. Take whatever steps you need to make sure you can focus in your salaah (read books on salaah, make wudu, get ready before salah time comes in, etc.) 4. Make time to read Qur’an It’s guidance and mercy from Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala). We need it. 5. Cut back if you need to I know this may be difficult for some and I know being involved in A through Z is fun but if we can’t even get our salaah right nor have personal time with the Qur’an, then something is not right. If your own ‘ibaadah is suffering, it might be time to do istikharah and cut back; if you’re involved in 5 activities, why not cut back to 3 and see if that is manageable for you.
Posted on: Sat, 28 Sep 2013 18:40:15 +0000

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