ASSALAMULAIKUM BROTHERS AND SISTERS, THIS IS A VERY IMPORTANT MESSAGE TO YOU ALL. I WOULD LIKE TO SHARE A GREAT INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY THAT WAS RELATED TO US IN A HADITH BY PROPHET MUHAMMAD SAW. PLEASE WATCH THIS 5 MINUTE VIDEO FROM A HADITH OF RASULULLAH SAW. https://youtube/watch?v=Onp-8CbEc0Y THIS HADITH WAS FROM 1400+ YEARS AGO BUT IT TELLS US WHAT HAS TAKEN PLACE IN IRAQ SINCE THE PAST 23 YEARS. THE HADITH STATES: 1. IRAQ WILL BE DENIED ITS CURRENCY 2. IRAQ WILL FALL BY FOREIGN INTERVENTION (BY THE INVASION) 3. AND ANOTHER CURRENCY WILL REPLACE IT. These are the events that are and have been taking place in Iraq. No. 1. The Iraqi Dinar, prior to 1990 was $3.22 USD per dinar. After the imposed sanctions on the currency it was reduced to 0.00086 USD. IRAQ WAS DENIED ITS CURRENCY. No. 2. In 1990 the Coalition forces of Great Britain and USA, thru invasion, seized all Iraqs assets. This is confirmed by PRESIDENTIAL EXECUTIVE ORDER 13303, signed by George W. Bush on May 28, 2003, confirming that the United States of America being the leader of the Coalition has seized ALL assets and funds of Iraq. ( NOW, on May 27, 2014, 11 years later and signed by President Obama, the USA has released all assets and control back to Iraq. ( The majority of imposed sanctions have also been lifted by the United Nations. ( So the Prophecy of IRAQ WILL FALL BY FOREIGN INTERVENTION BY THE INVASION HAS ALREADY COME TO PASS. LASTLY, No. 3. We are WAITING for IRAQ to replace its currency with a NEW ONE. This is the last stage of the IRAQI DINAR REVALUATION and the HADITH of Rasulullah saw. THIS IS THE STAGE THAT WE CAN BENEFIT AND PROFIT TREMENDOUSLY. ACTUALLY, IRAQ IS ALREADY AND HAS PRINTED THE NEW CURRENCY. WE ARE JUST WAITING FOR THEM TO RELEASE IT. (dinarspeculator/showthread.php?76058-Special-Parliamentary-Commission-of-Economy-Central-Bank-of-the-process-of-Coins-of-the-seven-categories-put) THIS IS THE STATE THAT WE CAN BECOME MILLIONAIRES, INSHA ALLAH. WATCH THIS 2 MINUTE VIDEO AND LEARN HOW YOU CAN BENEFIT FROM THIS INVESTMENT. https://youtube/watch?v=TAZHFEDy0XI THE IRAQI DINAR REVALUATION IS VERY REAL AND IT IS HAPPENING NOW. IT IS NOT A SCAM AS PORTRAYED BY THE MEDIA AND THOSE WITHOUT KNOWLEDGE OF THE EVENT. AND FOR THOSE WHO THINK THIS IS A SCAM OR CANNOT HAPPEN, THEN HOW CAN YOU DENY THE WORDS (HADITH) OF RASULULLAH SAW? PM FOR MORE DETAILS OR TO BUY IRAQI DINARS THANK YOU MUHAMMAD ALI
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 14:28:21 +0000

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