Aaaawh, look at the new indoctrinateess................. The song - TopicsExpress


Aaaawh, look at the new indoctrinateess................. The song is beautiful Sighing, I think Imma have to pray for myself first, because Imma about to cross the line, {{{{{ just forgive me and pray for me }}}}}.. Father God, Creator of all Heaven and Earth, Our history tells me that our people testify that WE came from South,that in our growth we wandered along the Great Lakes up into the Nile basin, and into the Nile Valley and all along the Eastern horn of Africa, in Tanzania, Uganda, and later into Mali, Niger, the Congo, Central Africa, home of the Twa, the first people Abba, Your people, those who have dwelled on the land you gave us over 4.4 million years ago. Our history is as old as time, Abba. You oh Lord made our people the first people to arise on this earth. our history speaks for itself, our hearts speak for themselves......For we have not lost our natural spiritual essence, for you Abba made sure that we maintained that above all else......I pray that you will open the eyes of my people, so that they can see, know and understand that you are God of the African, and his God alone. And when you finally understand the Power of that Spirit, that God has no religion, and he would not create you first and then bring the last mutant ninjas along to give us a bible, when we have had our own for nearly 20,000 years. The spirit of God is in you and no devil from hell can take it from you.....They can kill you, but they cant take it from you- it is your birthright, do not release it freely! When you finally awaken all Knowledge and Wisdom and understanding will abound within you, everything becomes so abundantly clear. Miracles and blessings arise, in, around, from, within, below and on high. That all seeing eye of Wisdom begins to manifest itself within you, not the holy moly, spiritual i feel good, no this is a physiological and spiritual essence that consumes you. And you dont have to pay a dime for it, he demands no tithes and offerings just your fellowship....Oh youre missing out on God................ And that Wisdom comes only from within, straight into your spirit, for it was meant for none other than you..The scales fall off, the eyes open and the blind see, and you will see it all so very clearly, everyday as god speaks to your Spirit... We are in that secret dwelling place Abba and all on one accord, {{{{ except Barkley hes an idiot, just forgive him.}}}}}.... We your children stretch out our hands to you o God. Enrich our hearts, enrich our souls, enrich our minds, but more importantly Abba enrich and Re-NEW our spirits. For it is by your will that we are still here today. There have been many tragedies, that have befallen your people along the way Abba, and we have very few allies, but you Abba contend for us, as we contend and stand together, intertwined and as steady as a rock. Hear us Abba as we walk in your Truth and in your Spirit that we are the suns and daughters of the one true God. Speak to our spirits, hear us now Abba.......Amen. Just pray for me............................................. Whose God? The one they gave them..........suspect i often wonder why only so many people wake up at any, one given time, only to realize, something is wrong. Praying and they keep dying, praying and they keep dying...It shouldnt take 400 years to realize something is wrong and if every African woke up, we wouldnt be in this mess we are in today, marching like cowards, begging for a justice that is rightfully ours......I get so angry when i think of what Slavery and Colonization has done to us and to our minds, and how most of us dont even realize WTH is going on, and is still going.......and we still dont understand..... its disturbing to me, very disturbing.....The power of mind control, brain-washing and manipulation.....smh........what did anybody get? The Indians got Bibles and Small Pox Blankets and their land was Stolen, oh and millions were killed or either died of exposure in the Trail of tears, when they moved all the Indians from S. Carolina, N, Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee and walked them all to Oklahoma in the dead of winter....Chief Joseph fought until he was an old man, and Geronimo gave them hell... Custer got got, in his land stand as he was about to murder innocent women and children, the fool didnt know that all the tribes were meeting that very hour and a scout went back and warned them, so instead George Armstrong Custer did not have a happy ending..... The Negros got Bibles, syphilis and slavery, and their land Stolen and Colonized . Oh and the abuse of no other man of the history of the earth, has been worse than that of the African: whipped, stripped of all knowledge, raped, tortured, sodomized, traumatized to the point 400 years later it still has its grips on her people.......Just like a junky, you know it aint right, yet, all you want to know- is what time is the next fix.. Negroes anesthetize and dope themselves up to deal with the pain. They cant tell nobody, some of them are too ashamed. others, getting younger and younger, just kill themselves, my god, look what we;ve done, who can blame them? It doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure out something is wrong........ Mexicans got half their land stolen, and were ran out of the stolen land across a border. Where the thieves, who stole the land put up a fence to keep them out. And even today, as the MAJORITY population of the US, the Border still has a fence around it.......smh This is what the devil does, he has all kinds of tricks up his sleeve, he is cunning, conniving and manipulative to the hilt and he is so good at it he makes you believe that you like it too. He convinces you that what he has for you is better than where you were and what you had. He believes he is the all and all, that should be praised, appreciated, deified and worshiped, his ego is enormously great ...... Dont take this the wrong way......I could be wrong ( i doubt it) So therefore, in my analytical way of thinking.....just from the outside looking in and after counting up all the cost, my life and soul included. I have this to say..... It appears to me, perhaps the wrong God is being prayed too, especially by Africans,and only benefits those who gave YOU those bibles....... Teaching Christianity, love and peace, and everywhere they went with those bibles, they either killed, stole or destroyed....{{{{{That sounds like Satan to me}}}}}} THE THIEF COMES TO KILL, STEAL and DESTROY ....and for the Africans their entire culture, history and memories were eviscerated. It makes you wonder why. Why such a death blow to the African. Religious text destroyed, thousand of spiritual books destroyed and the rest divied up , of which a vast majority of the Greek writers,produced plagiarized works that came straight from the libraries of Hierkolopis ( Alexanderria...))Egypt:especially Socrates and Aristotle, maybe some of Platos etc.... They wrecked total devastation on African Spirituality and Culture and destroyed a way of life and then, made the attempt to become gods themselves like the Africans, The Greeks plagiarized Egypts Math, Science and Philosophy books and They took half of the Egyptian religious text, from which they killed half the Priest to get, then plagiarized the works, even the religious text, from quite a bit can be found in the Bible, and the Egyptian religious text is at least 6 thousand years older than the plagiarized one........ It is my opinion that It is more than likely, it will take us thousands of years to return to the masterminds of Egyptian Spirituality/ African consciousness that we once were, if possible at all...................... Not one christian act of kindness benefited any people that stood in the destroyers way, even when they have given their souls, their blood, sweat tears, even their friendships they betrayed......this cunning fox used his bible to conquer and subdue all the people of the world....... If there is a Satan, his hand is surely in this pot right here................ Next thing you know they will have the little black children singing Jesus make me white as snow....and nobody has a problem with that? When white was cursed in that very bible? Faith and prayer are powerful tools when taken to God and believe not Satan to do the right thing with the creation of his book......... Isnt it funny how the very people who practice this religion, did the same thing the Muslims did for conversation, intimation and murder........and these two have the nerve to play the Pot and Kettle. I really dont see much different between any of them, especially the top three...... I am a natural spiritual person and believe their is a creator, However, from HISTORY, and no evidence to support them, I do not believe the god of the Jews....For it is obvious to any student of religious studies and Egyptian history that something is not right......... At that time the Jews were waiting on a Messiah for over 400 years from Malachi to the New Testament, tthe very Jews who prophesied the coming of the Christ, and had been waiting for him since the days of Adam, then Abraham, David etc, ,rejected him? And to add insult to injury hung him on a cross and chose a criminal Barabbas, and saved his life this making any sense to you? We have way over-spiritualized things.. Now here is a man, who reportedly WALKED on water, turned water into wine, stopped a storm, Doves flew up towards the heavens as John the baptist, his cousin Baptized him, and when he rose up A VOICE from heaven was reportedly heard saying, This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased..... and he fed five thousand mysteriously with 2 fish and a loaf of bread........... WHO in their right mind would reject and kill him? Come let us reason together.. 1. First of all they would have been too scared. you holler witch back then and everybody would pee on on themselves. 2. THE WITNESSES themselves would stop it, yet none of those things does not add up..... But they have incorporated a whole lie and unleashed it on the earth........and people are literately scared to believe anything else for fear of going to hell, and that book tells them to disassociate themselves from anyone, even family members who believes anything different....... STOP RIGHT THERE {{{{{{{red lights flashing}}}}}} When did God become a God of division confusion and chaos? That is the work of the Satan, it ancient Egyptian {{{From where the original story comes from}}}} Set (Seth was chaos, and his brother Osiris was Lord of Peace, Lord of Host, Lord of heaven and earth etc,,,,,,, So you have to wonder why? what other reason could there be for them to want you to disassociate from your family and friends, people that want to take advantage of you want to seprate you from help, just as abusive husbands attempt to separate their wives from her family.....ITs CALLED CONTROL.......... It has nothing to do with you falling or backsliding, your brother is suppose to cover you right?.........So what other reason could there be? H,mmmm, I wonder why?.....Oh perchance could it be they do not want you to associate with anyone who could make you see reason............... Think about it, It would be harder for any man claiming to be Christ to return today and convince anybody, of anything, even if he did walk on water, wed be looking for the trick. and these people were, for the most part ignorant and saw miracles and still killed the miracle doesnt add up There is nothing in this world that would make me believe the God the Jews created will be of any benefit to the African................
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 08:40:15 +0000

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