About a year and a half ago when this political parties - TopicsExpress


About a year and a half ago when this political parties sustainable bill was first discussed on almost every radio stations in Liberia, we, most poor Liberians vehemently voiced their voices against the passage on grounds that this bill came from the DEVIL’s belly, and it had no positive impact on the Common, poor Liberians that were and are asking for civil servants salaries to be increase, that more hospitals be built throughout the country with qualified Doctors and nurses assigned, that our rural roads be path, that university and colleges be built throughout the country, that electricity and scholarships be provided with that huge sum of money that our legislators want to apportion for their political parties and themselves. Now the bill has surface again we are hearing most of our representatives and senators are in support of passing it into law and it should be retroactive. But what I think we have forgetting is that individual legislators will be made rich due to the fact that he or she will pocked $12,000.00 or 415,000.00 annually. I also notice that people, including the journalist are not stressing on the benefits that this bill will apportion for each law marker parties that will reach the trench-hold of 5% - 10% that is within this bill and those individuals from those parties. The proposed bill says that each representative that comes from the ruling party, the party that wins will receive $12,000.00usd annually while the senators from this same party will receive $15,000.00usd annually which has nothing to do with the $2Musd that will be apportion for political parties that will reached the trench-hold. Just multiply $12,000.00usd by 6 years = 72,000.00usd and $15,000.00 x 6 years = $90,000.00usd. Not just this amount but for instance Unity party has 23 representative presently, multiply 23 persons x $72,000.00usd ( $72,000.00usd, this is six years individual benefit) =$1,656,000.00usd for the six years… What level of playing field will they government and they be providing for the common man or woman that wants to contest in 2014, 2017 and years to come when each of them shall have pocketed enough money; by then government would had already given each of the senators and representative their campaign money for the next elections when he or she is to receive $72,000.00us or $90,000.00usd? Will Mr. Flomo and Oldma / Miss Theresa in Lofa and Montserrado counties have funds to sponsor their campaign as the 53rd legislators, that will want to contest come 2014 and 2017 elections? We say this bill is just meant to enrich those seated representatives and senators, along with their political parties and future legislators. What kind of democracy do we want to establish here in Liberia? I want to call on all Liberians to kick against this bill right now, In fact Madam President since you want to leave a legacy, please do not sign this bill else your entire legacy will died a natural death.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Jun 2013 08:54:38 +0000

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