About to go have an early dinner. Before we do, here is the post - TopicsExpress


About to go have an early dinner. Before we do, here is the post for todays adventures. It should be title shoes. First I will say that Ben is ok. No injuries. HAHA. We were walking to Ruby beach in WA to see some haystacks and as usual Ben walks ahead of us (not uphill, only downhill I might add) and Jerry was somewhere behind me on the trail. It was drizzling and kinda nasty weather with puddles everywhere. He had on his new shoes and as he turned the corner on the path ahead of me I just heard him mutter something and I heard a PLOP. I rushed to see what happened and he was face down on the ground! I knew exactly what happened when I saw the scene and was too worried to take a photo. This dumb guy did not want to get his shoes dirty or wet so he stepped on a board to avoid the puddle and it was too slippery and down he went. He got up without a problem and he was ok. Further on down the beach we saw some incredible rock formations and a few minutes before it started pouting rain taking photos. Ben and I went on ahead and had to step on some water to get to a better viewpoint. I noticed Jerry didnt follow. I looked at Ben and said I bet Jerry doesnt want to get his new shoes wet! Of course that was the case. It was like deja vu from our Florida trip where he did not want to walk through a muddy puddle to continue on the hike. What is up with these guys not wanting to get hiking shoes wet????? Anyway, on the drive to the next destination Ben had us laughing so hard. He said I am glad I had a huge breakfast because when I fell, I landed on my full belly and that cushioned the fall. YEP thats the kind of trip we are having.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 23:45:36 +0000

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