About to tick off some people, but its MY opinion. I think that - TopicsExpress


About to tick off some people, but its MY opinion. I think that committing suicide is the most selfish act a person can do. I do not pity those who do this. There is ALWAYS a way to get through life without killing yourself. Why do I think its selfish? Let me tell you: when you kill yourself, you are only thinking of yourself. You dont take Into consideration how much trouble you have caused for your family. What about your children/parents/spouse? If you yourself are a parent, you should have NEVER brought a child into this world just to make them suffer a life without you. If you are the child, you shouldnt put your parents through that. They brought you into this world. They loved you regardless of your flaws. They took time, effort and endless love to make sure you grow up to be someone. To grow up and make a difference in the world. What about your spouse? The person who wanted to spend the rest of their life with you? Youre going to make them bare the burden of them constantly thinking about why you did it? Why you couldnt have talked it out and gotten help? Why you were so selfish to make them go through this?! Do you even know how much a funeral costs? Do you think people have thousands of dollars sitting around because you decided you didnt want to live anymore? Its a terrible thing to say, even a heart less thing to say, but this is REALITY. The economy sucks and you arent doing anyone a favor by making them pay for something you caused. And lastly, are you not curious to see how your life will play out? Dont you want to look back in 5-10 years and wonder what you were so scared about? YOU can make a difference in this world. YOU can be somebody. YOU were put on this earth for a reason and it wasnt so God can watch you suffer. You have a place in this world and its time to find it. This game we call life is a game EVERYONE must play. We ALL have our Demons to face. You are not the FIRST or the LAST who will feel helpless. I assure you their are people who have it far worse than you do, and they are still hanging on. God doesnt give you more than you can handle I didnt believe the saying myself, but thats because I didnt WANT to try. YOU have the power to get through this. You HAVE to try. You have to face your storm head on and prove to yourself you can win. ONLY then will you be able to understand that you CAN get through life. If you need help, if you have doubts, if you feel like you cant do this, TALK TO SOMEONE. It is not worth the pain to take your life because you were to proud, to scared or to angry to talk to someone . Even talking to a stranger can help more than you know.
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 02:37:47 +0000

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