Above all and anything else justice must be sought for those who - TopicsExpress


Above all and anything else justice must be sought for those who have been wronged, this should almost go without say. But lets not go nuts and make this a witch hunt. Alot of things got the victims, the hackers, and the public at large, to this point. There was alot of security practices not practiced, mostly because the victims took for granted their security by their communication providers. The first tier of security failed here, the user. Then its second line of defense failed, Apple, they dropped the ball with not seeing the holes in their security. Google started its fall from grace in this debacle when the story first broke. Google should have had policies in place to deal with this rapidly YEARS ago. But information flow is a fickle thing and social media hasnt made it any easier to deal with... even for giants like Google. This is not the first time hackers have done this to celebrities. There are no Real pro-active measures to Stop it either. Security mitigates the risk with the use of such interconnected media and communication technologies but it does not stop the threats. Security at all levels do fail. They are manmade things, and like all manmade things, they fail eventually. The lesson to come out of this for users is a Harsh reminder about user security. Unfortunately victims have to wait for justice. I would say to those victims to carry on about their business and use the whole affair to their advantage some how. Take away the power the hackers may have gained from it, after all your the celebrity and not them. They did this to get their efforts on the news and gain some notoriety from it. Use it for yourself and take that Notoriety From them.
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 01:16:05 +0000

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