Abraham: The Father of Many Nations Genesis 12:1-3 reads, Now - TopicsExpress


Abraham: The Father of Many Nations Genesis 12:1-3 reads, Now the Lord had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy fathers house, unto a land that I will shew thee: And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed. These verses of scripture explain Gods command unto Abram who would later be called Abraham to leave the land in which he once lived to dwell in a land that the Lord had provided for him and his kin. In return, God would make Abrams (Abrahams) name great, spreading his seed from across the shores of every continent. God also promised to bless those who blessed him and would curse any man who would curse him. For those of you who attended Sunday school during your childhood years, you might remember this song: Father Abraham had many sons, and many sons had father Abraham. I am one of them, and so are you. So lets just praise the Lord! Right foot! Left foot! Right hand! Left hand! Head up! Head down! Turn around! Sit down! As you think back on those days, you might just say to yourself I remember having so much fun as I sang that song with my Sunday school buddies. To be honest, that song is actually true. You and I are all part of the bloodline of Abraham. Despite the fact that our physical features and skin tone may differ, we are all still brothers and sisters connected through Abraham. Its because of Abrahams sacrifice that we are all here. We are blessed because of Abrahams obedience to Gods command. Though Abraham was told by God that he would make his name great, Abraham had no idea of the amount of test and trials that he would have to go through to prove to God that he was ready to take up that anointed position. First, he, his wife, and his tribe had to leave his fathers house and the land in which he once lived to dwell in a land where the Lord wanted him to be. Second, he needed to have faith in God that He would preserve and keep him and his family while they stayed in Egypt for a short period of time. Third, he needed to trust in God that He wouldnt destroy his nephew Lot and his family along with the rest of the Sodomites after Lot willingly decided to leave his uncle Abrahams tribe to find greener pastures in Sodom. Fourth, he needed to believe that God would soon provide his wife Sarah with a son despite the fact that she was unable to bare children. Fifth, he had to be faithful to God despite the fact that he was put in a very difficult situation after he was told by God that he needed to sacrifice his son Isaac. There were other tests and trials that Abraham faced, but these were a few of the main ones. You would think that these tests and trials wouldve caused Abraham to cave in and lose his mind, but they only made him a stronger believer. For me, I feel that the toughest test that Abraham had to face was when he was told by God to sacrifice his son Isaac. If I were him, I know that I would be asking God a lot of questions. Yet, who am I to ask such questions to the God of all the universe? Abraham just had to do what he was commanded to do despite the fact that it felt like a punch to the stomach. Everything became clear after an angel of the Lord told Abraham to not harm his son, for the Lord just wanted to see how faithful he was. The Lord later provided a ram for Abraham to offer up as a burnt offering instead of his son. It was then that the Lord said to Abraham that he would multiply his seed as the stars in the heaven and as the sand upon the sea shore. We can definitely learn a lot from Abraham who I consider as a forefather of the faith in Jesus Christ. Each of us have been given commands by God to fulfill. Some of us have fulfilled those commandments, while some of us are still delaying the process. I say to you this, Dont delay. Do what God has instructed of you to do, and you will be blessed. Delayed obedience is disobedience, and disobedience is also called sin. Each time that we delay what God has instructed of us to do, we are also delaying the blessing that He wants to manifests in our lives. Dont doubt God. He knows more than we do. We just need to trust Him. I hope that you were blessed by this word from the Lord today. If you would like to learn more about the topic Abraham: The Father of Many Nations, feel free to send me a message via Facebook so that we may search the scriptures together and pray that the Lord give us further understanding and wisdom concerning His divine Word. Feel free to use the Facebook Chat to hold discussions with each other about recent articles that were posted on The Soldiers For Christ Of New York Citys wall. God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. Walk in faith despite how hard things may seem on the outside. God will always provide for His people and will deliver us in the time of trouble. Jesus loves you, and I love you too.
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 23:00:28 +0000

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