Accepting the truth of the other side of the view brings us to - TopicsExpress


Accepting the truth of the other side of the view brings us to wholeness so much faster. All is true and nothing is true. I am having so many breakthroughs lately that I cannot keep up with it. One sweet one was with my mother yesterday. She is the reason behind my journey to health and to wholeness. Some 7 years ago I realized that I was on the same path manifesting all sorts of dis-ease as her, when I started to look at her health issues. We both have same names, the epigenetics did a number on us, the body environment was toxic and our life paths dictated that we do that. I have stopped being a victim of all of it a very long time ago, but not her so much. She has had many health crises and she is going through some right now. The energy around our conversation changed a lot. I transmuted all the attacks and did not hold anything against her. She just doesnt see the whole picture and that is OK, it has nothing to do with me. I know that we are all very unique and so an individualized approach is a must. So instead of talking theory I started an inquiry for her. It wasnt me answering her questions. I just allowed myself to be the rod that can carry the truth to her. I started off with her willingness to heal - it was at 15%. Yes she argued with that. On conscious level you think you are at 100% but you dont want to go there unconsciously and it is holding you back. The heart of the matter is your belief system and on and on it went. It was good and she thanked me. The changes wont happen overnight. Many systems in her body went off line. I found that each system has to be healed separately before it is ready to be reconnected again to the whole system. And because everything is connected, it requires a careful approach that comes from the bodys intelligence. Her own healing is in her own hands. I have been saying that to her for 3 years now and offered to pay for a practitioner in her town I trust. I just might have gotten through to her yesterday as I shifted out of my desire to help her. I can facilitate a change but she has to have the eyes to hear and the ears to see - yes I am using some of my creator powers to play with the saying. Her physician was losing sleep over her status. She is over medicated and full of toxins. The system cannot cope with it any more. Resentment to self healing is the biggest obstacle that I see in people. I will only work with clients whose willingness to heal is 60% or higher now. I had mine tested a year ago and it was at 90%. I recently healed my desire to help people to heal themselves. That desire has to come from them alone. I have lots of self healing stories. Those are not popular with people with low unconscious desire to self heal. I am here if they need me. Also no more of healing crisis sessions. I now know that to make any change a minimum of 12 sessions are required to uncover where the client is tuck. My first assessment session is free over the phone. It might be a very short one or it might take a bit longer depending on your desire to heal yourself. You can message me privately to book an assessment. I can address any physical or emotional discomfort in the body, however the chronic fatigue syndrome, weight loss and high blood pressure issues are the ones I know about from personal experience and that sometimes is more comforting to clients.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 08:54:39 +0000

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