According to PadmaPurana the mode of worship of Lord Vishnu for - TopicsExpress


According to PadmaPurana the mode of worship of Lord Vishnu for every month in the year: 1. Caitra Month: During this month, the fragrant flowers should be soaked overnight in pure water and the idol of the lord should be bathed in that water. The worship should be done by lighting incense, offering water-mixed milk and flowers. The flowers should be be Bilwa and the lotus plant. 2. Vaisakha Month: During this month, the deity’s worship must include the offering made with the flower of Ketaki. The deity’s idol should be bathed in curds apart from the other ritual items as mentioned in the previous lunar month. Very light clothes should be worn. 3. Jyestha Month: The devotees bathe in cold water and offer the fruits of Anwala . During the worship, the worship, the deity’s idol should be vigorously fanned to create fresh wind draughts. A garland of “patal “ fruits should be offered. The Prasadam should be made of sattu flour mixed in sugar and cold water. (Sattu flour is made from barley.) 4. Ashadha Month: Having bathed the idol of the lord in curds it should be offered the garland of Kadamb flower. The fan should be made of peacock feathers for creating fresh air. The garland could be also made of Ketaki and Harshigar flowers. For Prasad fresh butter should used. (During the months of Vaishaka, Jyestha and Ashadh, only very light clothes should be used for covering the idol. 5. Shravan Month: The diety should be bathed in fragrant water and the flowers offered should be of “Mauli-shree” and kadamba. For prasadam, lightly roasted in ghee, fresh grains (or kheelam) should be used. 6. Bhadrapada Month: In the beginning of this month, lord Narayana’s idol should be installed in a new temple, which should be liberally incensed. During the night, the idol should be covered in mosquito net. In this month Ketaki flowers should not be used in worship.Lord Narayana should be worshipped with fresh flower , offering preferably those grown in a pond. During this month , the devotees must not eat food after sunset. 7. Ashwin Month: During this entire month , the idol should deity be bathed only in fresh water. The bathing ceremony should be held before noon as after the sun reaching mid-heaven, the deity would deem this water as blood and hence unacceptable. 8. Kartika Month : This is held as the most pious month and the devotees should shun from having meat, indulging in intercourse with wife. His /her eatables should not be cooked in oil. The devotee must be very cautious about personal hygiene as well. During the night , the Deepa-Daan ceremony must be held with full rituals. In Kartika, the worship must include offering of the bilwa patra. It is believed that alms given during this month give tremendous merit to devotees. The flowers used for worship must be white in colour or generally of light-shade. 9. Margshira Month: During this month Lord Vishnu should be worshipped with his consort Laxmi. Singing devotional songs with total concentration brings good reward during this month. The prasadam offered to the deity must include ripe oranges . In general, offering fresh fruits for prasadam should be religiously adhered to. 10. Pausha Month: In this month (lunar) Pausha, lord Krishna should be worshipped as he is the manifestation of lord Vishu only. The prasadam offered should be sugarcane juice and sugar cane. The idols of the deity should be clad in warm clothes and the devotional music must be accompanied by musical instruments. 11. Magha Month: Following the completion of the pancha yajna, the deity should be worshipped after bathing the idol in warm water. The idol’s body should be anointed with a thin solution of sandalwood paste and water. The deity should be worshipped with the offering champa flowers. 12.Phalguna Month: During this month, the deity should be worshipped with marigold flowers and the prasadam should be of thandayee. The body of the idol should be bathed in luke warm water.
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 18:55:18 +0000

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