According to a report from gopthedailydose, Pastor Umar Mulinde - TopicsExpress


According to a report from gopthedailydose, Pastor Umar Mulinde says that if America is not careful, some Americans could wind up like him–with half their face terribly burned by acid thrown by radical Islamists. Pastor Mulinde says that America must not allow itself to be intimidated by radical Islam, because what America does “influences everybody in the world.” Click here to find out what national secret President Obama leaked to the barbarians of the Islamic State. The greatest weapon the Islamists have, he says, is fear. “One thing that Islam is doing to defeat you is causing to be coward[ly] and be fearful,” he says, calling on Americans to “Stand up before it’s [too] late.” Citing the once-Christian nations of North Africa, he warns Americans that if they allow themselves to be intimidated today, one day they will wake up to “find your children and your grandchildren being Muslims and torturing other people.” https://youtube/watch?v=X55bcNuMhKI Americans like to think it couldn’t happen here. It can. Pastor Mulinde encourages America not to fear, but that may not be the real problem. Safe and secure in our warm homes, with enough to eat, and a complacent liberal media and federal administration both unwilling to name radical Islam for the evil that it is, we might not be afraid enough.
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 00:52:16 +0000

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