Achieving Your Dreams 1 Hello, sure your Monday was - TopicsExpress


Achieving Your Dreams 1 Hello, sure your Monday was green. Dreams are powerful and possible. Dreams are possibilities seeking expression. Network Marketing is a platform, vehicle that you can leverage on to achieve your dreams. Achieving our dreams in life helps us to continue to make right choices on the life we desire. In the next 50 weeks, I will be sharing thoughts, testimonies from great achievers from our industry. If we all apply the same information with Don Failla approach, it is certainly sure, we shall surpass our current performance with the mind to bless, influence, impact and inspire more people with our opportunity (A2W) Keep your desire burning, continue to dream Big and keep working. Name: J.K and Becky Baker, Background: Business owner, Retail Year Started in Network Marketing Industry: February 1978 “I never let results determine my attitude” J.K -Before network marketing, I was in the retail industry. I was co-owner of a chain of fabric stores and I got totally busted. I lost everything. -In February of 1978, I joined a successful network marketing company that is still around today, and I WORKED that business for five years until I reached the top level -Network Marketing is a potential opportunity to create lifestyle for our children. A lifestyle is when you have the time, health and money to enjoy your live to the fullest. Fill this form to know more: -Never doubt yourself in Network Marketing. Networking affords you the opportunity to build a business without all the headaches of traditional business, such as employees, debt, rent, liability, and other hassles. -Helping people to understand the potential available to them through network marketing, and getting them to believe that the Big Picture can really happen for them in it, is our greatest responsibility. -The most fulfilling part of network marketing for me is working for myself. The lifestyle of time and financial freedom is a virtual dream come true. A 5-10years plan to work the business in A2W, and then be financially free and have time to enjoy your freedom is exciting for me FOUR KEYS TO SUCCESS IN NETWORK MARKETING 1. Have a full perspective, a complete understanding of what network marketing is and what it can potentially do for you. Study, read, sit down and learn to show yourself approved for this business 2. Have one goal in mind- a goal that keeps you motivated to do what’s necessary to make your business successful. A goal to help, bless, inspire more people to have personal development, own their own businesses, be financially free and retire to passive income. 3. Have a positive attitude. Attitude is everything. It affects your daily activity. A positive attitude will keep you focused and working. 4. Be persistent. Lack of persistence will lead to failure in this business, as it will in any endeavor. People don’t fail in business they only quit. Don’t stop saying it. Don’t stop doing what is right in this business, the result is here. You don’t need to reinvent the wheel. Follow the system diligently and you will get greater result because we are in a creative world. Fill the form now: Enjoy the support of your leader, sponsor, upline in A2W. Arrange a weekly meeting where he/she can talk with five to ten people for you. Remember, businesses are not design to work, people are design to work. Keep waking up every day with a purpose and mission to succeed in A2W entrepreneurial platform. Join the platform NOW: Buy the following materials if you can lay hands on them: How to own your life, It is Time for Network Marketing, Success Formula It can only get better! Keep enjoying your week. To your success Matthew Abolurin Platinum Leader in A2W
Posted on: Tue, 18 Jun 2013 15:17:53 +0000

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