Acting is such a tremendous art form and those aspiring to - TopicsExpress


Acting is such a tremendous art form and those aspiring to participate in this profession have a chance to be a part of something incredibly awesome. Delivering ‘the’ line, being a part of the action, acting in its greatest form …but the most powerful moment you may ever deliver comes in the form of stillness. Not a moment of blankness but a moment of powerful acting. Using a look, a thought emoted through your eyes, through your expression, the camera capturing a powerful feeling from you the actor without any words being spoken. These are the moments that separate most actors from the great actor. Think about Al Pacino in many of his roles where he captures the essence of the scene with only a look. Sometimes seething with anger and rage and other times seemingly lost in despair or sadness, he is the master of emoting through stillness. As you aspire to become an on-camera actor this is a skill that is paramount to your success being something beyond ordinary and it’s a skill that you can hone even in the Black Hills of South Dakota. You probably already do this to a degree and don’t even think about it. My children and students knew when I was upset without my ever saying a word …they knew by my look, by my presence. Watch some scenes of great actors using stillness to portray an emotion. Process how they did this and then develop your own way of expressing these emotions through your stillness, your look. The camera is your intimate partner in the dance on-screen where it sees what you offer through the window to your soul – your eyes. Practice this. Hone the skill. Work it then work it some more. Make this your signature as an on-camera actor. Spend your free time studying some of the great on-camera actors and learn how they capture that moment on-screen. Then keep developing your style of stillness. I’m ready to help you and hope that we can work together towards achieving your dream at the Black Hills Institute of Broadcast & Cinematic Arts. Contact me here or email me at sitch.jack@gmail. Then please share this post, friend us and like us. Thank you.
Posted on: Thu, 16 Jan 2014 03:20:43 +0000

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