Admin birth story! : allie Ok this ones for my son My pregnancy - TopicsExpress


Admin birth story! : allie Ok this ones for my son My pregnancy with my little boy was horrific I was in pain from the very beginning back an pelvic pain chronic pain that was so unbearable I spent most the 9 months on the couch or bed! I had to take pain meds to even move an was crazy because I wouldnt take my adhd or bipolar meds during pregnancy!! I gained over 50 pounds was as huge as a 2 story house! My midwives sucked the whole pregnancy they seen me a few seconds each visit an didnt bother to listen to anything! 3 weeks before my due date I started getting unbearably nautious with constant pain as well as cramping, and braxton hicks contractions! I ended up at the hospital once an they said I was dehydrated! The sickness continued an at 38 weeks 4 days they stripped my membranes at 3 cm dialated 39 weeks they did it again! Nothing at my 39 4 day check up my blood pressure was through the roof at heart attack level an they set a inducement day for the next day! We get to the hospital a nurse trys twice to get a iv in to start pitocin an she bust two viens while trying so another nurse has to do it who does it wrong as well an a different nurse has to fix!! Hours go by of pitocin an nothing happens so the doc breaks my water! The contractions start soon after an then start steadily a few min apart I asked for the epideral an the person did the epideral it only numbed my legs! I tell the nurse I still feel the pain!! After a few hours she gets the doc to do another epideral at this time my contractions are steady minute apart! the 2nd one works but numbs me all the way an what do you know the same time its time to push 15 min after getting 2nd epideral my son is born! 8 pounds 15 ounces 9 grams 21 inches tall! He wasnt crying when he was born an nurses and doctors were not speaking to me telling me anything my doctor is working down in my area an for a good while they had me worried something was wrong but it was just my son didnt want to cry lol! During this time I was unaware that I was losing blood like crazy they gave me 3 shots to try an stop the blood tablets in my area and after a few hours it slowed down by which time I had lost over 800 ml of blood I was pure white shaking, sick , and shivering, for a while an weak! They fed me iron pills an the next day tell us my iron was low the whole pregnancy and my blood pressure was also high the whole time !
Posted on: Fri, 16 Aug 2013 04:09:16 +0000

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