Advanced Personal Training Essentials Water retention - part - TopicsExpress


Advanced Personal Training Essentials Water retention - part 2 Hydrate Similar to the effect calorie restriction can have on dampening our metabolic response, and thus curtailing the fat burning process, poor hydration can cause us to hold excessive amounts of water under our skin. People often think they must withhold water consumption in order to prevent it from being stored subcutaneously. This is a myth that must be destroyed. In fact, the opposite is true: the body holds water, a precious resource, as a survival response to its limited supply; limit its intake and the body will release anti diuretic hormones which will enable it to hang for dear life to all the fluid it can store. By drinking plenty of fresh, clean water on a daily basis (a gallon, or more, most days), our body gets to work rapidly releasing water (both that which is consumed and that which is stored) through urine and sweat. Since muscle tissue consists of over 70% water, water restriction may cause our muscles to look flat and may even lead to severe cramping. Instead of limiting water intake pre-contest, manipulate carbohydrates and use the tips below to flush water from beneath the skin, not from the muscles where it promotes fullness and a shredded appearance. Limit sodium consumption Commonly found in rock salt, the chemical element sodium plays an important role in maintaining the fluid balance of our cells; for the proper functioning of our cells we need between 2000 and 2500mg of sodium per day, which it not hard to achieve given it is included naturally in many of the foods we consume and added in abundance to other less healthful nutrient options. However, because any excess sodium is held in our skin cells where it attracts water, the more we consume beyond the above recommended allotment, the greater our chances are of experiencing excessive water retention. As your contest (or shoot) approaches, gradually eliminate added sodium (which can also be found in most condiments and sauces) from your diet. Sodium manipulation can, however, be used to the more advanced-competitor’s advantage. For 10-2 days out from a contest, salt all meals. Doing this will help some sodium and water to be excreted from under the skin, though a thin layer of water will remain. To transfer all subcutaneous water to our muscle cells, to create greater fullness, all dietary sodium must be completely eliminated during the final two days (as well as regular salt, this includes egg whites, protein shakes, sauces and other condiments so check all labels to ensure no sodium passes your lips). Supporting the sodium manipulation process is water loading/depletion where, from days 10-2, water intake is increased by 1-2 liters (if you consume two liters per day on average, drink 4-5 liters); halve this amount two days out and on the day of the contest, drink around 500mls, total. By loading, then depleting (but not entirely cutting), your water intake you can trick your body into sucking any remaining fluid from beneath your skin and into your muscles. Experiment with this process 2-3 weeks out from your show to see how this approach works for you.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 18:46:37 +0000

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