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Advertisement Tea Party Group May Have Found 800 Illegal Votes in One County Alone Following MS Runoff Election Author: Editor Posted: June 27, 2014 Comments: 0 safe_image If you want to know what the GOP establishment thinks of the Tea party, you really don’t have to look anywhere other than Mississippi, with the U.S. Senate race between Sen. Thad Cochran (who has been in office since the Nixon administration!) and conservative Chris McDaniel, an activist and former radio host. With nasty fliers sent out to black voters to scare them into getting involved in an election, Cochran saw incredible turnout for him in pro-Obama voting districts. With weird election rules allowing non-Republicans to vote in a race, certain anonymous people utilized the worst kind of nasty, racial politics. It is clear Cochran used the “nuke” button to save his own tail, and now we’re learning just how far it went… From AP: Tea party-backed challenger Chris McDaniel still isn’t conceding to six-term Sen. Thad Cochran in the Mississippi Republican primary runoff, but some groups that spent millions supporting McDaniel are walking away. McDaniel supporters are examining poll books to try to find people who voted in a Democratic primary June 3 and the Republican runoff Tuesday. “This is being done to maintain the integrity of the election process and that a fair and honest election was held on behalf of all Mississippians,” McDaniel said in a written statement Thursday. Mississippi voters don’t register by party, but state law bars a person from voting in one party’s primary and the other party’s runoff. Cochran topped McDaniel by nearly 6,800 votes Tuesday after an expensive and hard-fought race in which tea party groups tried to unseat a former Appropriations Committee chairman. Cochran finished with 51 percent. McDaniel criticizes Cochran for courting Democrats in a state where most blacks vote Democratic and most whites vote Republican. Turnout jumped in several majority-black counties, boosting Cochran. Club for Growth, which spent more than $3.1 million to help McDaniel, acknowledges Cochran as the winner. “We are proud of the effort we made in Mississippi’s Senate race and we congratulate the winner,” Club for Growth President Chris Chocola said Wednesday. “We expect that Senator Cochran and others gained a new appreciation of voter frustration about the threats to economic freedom and national solvency.” Here is Rush Limbaugh bashing the establishment for being so rough on a conservative. Just imagine if this much effort was used to defeat Democrats! Read more: thepoliticalinsider/tea-party-found-illegal-votes/#ixzz35rVI8WNi
Posted on: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 17:33:20 +0000

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