After a series of bad movies, it was a real breath of - TopicsExpress


After a series of bad movies, it was a real breath of fresh air to have finally watched a good one. And it wasnt just good, it was fantastic. Yes, Im talking about Xmen: Days of Future Past. I really wanted to talk about what I liked about the film, and why I felt it wasnt just a good Xmen film, but a great movie in general. 1. Excellent pacing. Being a 2 hr+ movie, it was an accomplishment that it felt like it was only an hour long. Largely due to the pacing, there was never a moment where I felt bored. It was just the right amount of exposition and action. Just when the tempo felt it was getting too slow, youre treated with a scene with excellent action. 2. Quicksilver. Saying Quicksilver was well done would be an understatement, he practically stole the show at one point. Im not the greatest Xmen fan, so I wasnt that familiar with Quicksilver, but after watching the movie, I now want a whole movie based on this speed demon. 3. Best acting in a superhero movie in a long while. James McAvoy(Charles Xavier) and Jennifer Lawrence(Raven/Mystique) were so good in their roles that I was emotionally moved in a number of scenes involving them. Not to mention that Hugh Jackman basically just kills it as Wolverine once again. 4. Fantastic FANTASTIC fight scenes! Every action scene was a simple joy to watch. Every time a sentinel appeared, you literally could feel the dread. These guys are like the Golden Saints in Dark Souls 2 except there are like a million of them rushing at you at the same time. Blink was very well done in my opinion, and her portal combat was mind boggling cool to watch. HOI! 5. Seeing the Xmen getting brutally murdered one by one. Its not everyday you get to see the heroes die, but it can finally be done with little to no repercussions here. Because of that, the movie really went balls out crazy with the deaths. Some of them were so brutal, I was surprised the movie wasnt M18/R21. And Storm got stabbed in the belly and thrown down a mountain! HOORAH! 6. A great story! In fact it was so good, I felt it was told better than in the animated series(back in the 90s) as well as the comics. Ultimately, it was a story of hope. I know it may sound cheesy, but its what it is, and it was great. 7. This show basically resets the whole movie series. What this means is that X3 doesnt exist anymore. POP THE CHAMPAGNE PEOPLE!! 8. Apocalypse. And his four Horsemen. Nuff said. Ah finally got it off my chest. I really liked this movie, and cant wait for the next one.
Posted on: Sun, 25 May 2014 03:44:52 +0000

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