Afterwards Shirley and I 1995 sold our house that was a big - TopicsExpress


Afterwards Shirley and I 1995 sold our house that was a big mistake Im Ill get moving to Jackson Tennessee in a little trailer park call rolling acres she had done already transferred to Jackson Tennessee I was driving back and forth from Milan Tennessee to Jackson Tennessee during which the four years we lived there in my life and L George bring her closer to our workplace I went to work for an outfit by the name of collision special just there in Jackson Tennessee owners name was Steve Hardy I started working there and 1995 I worked from 1995 tool basically 2005 after tooth the fall of 2005 uh was whenever I have actually was just bring a 2005 I departed what my wife theres lots of stuff that I would like to be able to share with you on my facebook but I feel as if before right now puts me fill in all the blanks it would be best for me just a touch of all the things that is more most crucial and it needs to be discussed Im going to pick back up on my conversation either tonight or in the morning from 1995 on after that I felt let God of picking back up into the ministry of telling you about the event these events will circle around people cruel people who dont propane torch trying to destroy this message of peace that has been distributed from God our Heavenly Father the Holy Spirit this message well discuss various things happen to me of people that have deliberately tried to break destruction into my life regardless whether it be my physical biological father James Robert Jackson or it be the people up in Kentucky in north west Kentucky around Paducah and Land Between the Lakes or people in Oklahoma City Oklahoma towards various authority figures in Tennessee that at this particular time the Attorney General has posted a band towards separating me towards me not being able to associate myself with any federal facilities there in the state of Tennessee I will be discussing in depth pertaining to how various people have gone either way like a leech evens Secret Service agent in Nashville Tennessee are other people have gone either way towards want to bring harm instructions to the ministry that yes started out with this type of adversity since it began in 1988 I would just like to my readers to be able to understand that this adversity that has come up against this ministry has caused the problems it back that we not only Americans but we as a Christian society are looking at all over this planet I would just like to be able to share my story with you add to tell you hearts in 10 god bless you and thank you for listening and reading about the project too 30 Shalom
Posted on: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 10:03:15 +0000

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