Again another news about cruel, inhumane behavior of teacher to - TopicsExpress


Again another news about cruel, inhumane behavior of teacher to student! :( शिक्षाजस्तो क्षेत्रमा यस्तो अमानवीय ब्यबहार भएको समाचार आइरहेको हुन्छ यसलाई हेर्ने जिम्मेवार निकाय खै ? कैले सम्म यस्तो घटना दोहोरिरहने हो ? साना बालबालिकालाई टेरेनन् भने कुट्ने पिट्ने गर्नापर्छ डराएर धम्काएर पढ्न लगाउनु पर्छ भन्ने गलत सोच कैले सम्म रहिरन्छ ? How badly these kind of activities had affect the poor innocent students.The mental trauma of the student is unimaginable. In the constant fear and mental pressure how much and what a student can learn? And it is the fear that provokes them to cheat, lie from the very early age. At early age if they learns all these things and will grow up with same thing. The seed we reap and the way we nurtured it is dependent on the fruits we get. Lets look back the pass percentage of SLC appeared students. Could this be one of the reason for it? I think those who are not good enough in study since early ages and have been failing in different class before SLC end up failing in SLC. Why students who failed are not motivated but instead are beaten, threaten and given very much pressure to pass anyway. What is learning? What is studying? We are being educated so that we can use it in real life. We are taught in the way that learning is different from living. Fact is we are learning for better living for implementing it in real life. Our education system is developing fear to the children which if deeply rooted then can cause severe mental problem in future. Learning new things should be interesting and fun. But we are taught in the way that learning being educated is a burden, its a pressure, its a stress. It remind me the essay of John HOlt, "School is Bad For Children" where he stated that school narrows creativity, child comes to feel that learning is a passive process. I think it is high time now that we should start rethinking about education, our teaching process. The legendary entrepreneur leaders of this era like Steve Jobs, Bill Gates who changed the world were the University or school dropout who didn’t complete formal education. Then what’s the importance of formal education? We need to put effort to redefine our education system, changes the rule of grades or measuring intelligence. We need to rethink about education and need massive transformation We need to put effort to redefine our education system, changes the rule of grades or measuring intelligence. We need to rethink about education and need massive transformation. ekantipur/np/2070/3/20/full-story/371442.html
Posted on: Fri, 05 Jul 2013 03:56:16 +0000

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