Agricultural Conference should lead to long-term vision 15 Jan, - TopicsExpress


Agricultural Conference should lead to long-term vision 15 Jan, 06:00 We are not poor in policy and vision. The problem is that the policy was never made with the input of the carriers of the sector, says Dayanand Dwarka, president of the Agricultural Council of the VHP. The political party organizes its 66th anniversary tomorrow at the Agricultural Conference in 2030 together with the Foundation Agrovision 2030. In order to develop a vision for the next twenty years, we need to look back, says Dwarka. My heart bleeds when I think back to the agricultural sector from twenty years ago and see what is on now. Dwarka who has been sitting in the agricultural sector, will see a decline in the overall sector. The conference should arise a policy for the long term for this sector. It is the fourth conference in the 2030 cycle of the party. First, the overall Vision 2030, was opened by President Desi Bouterse. He also has the final document that was originated receive from this conference. Dwarka emphasized that these are national issues, where a national approach is needed. Since his appointment as VHP Chairman Chan Santokhi argued that the party should be more than a political party. Policy therefore have an important role in the new way of leadership. The agricultural sector is not only agricultural intended, but also fisheries and livestock sector covered by it clarifies Dwarka. He points out that we need to elevate national policy above party politics. The mining sector, which now account for almost 90 percent contribution to the national income, is not inexhaustible. Suriname has almost 100 years had a bauxite industry, but that is now descending says Dwarka. It is high time that a medium and long term policies set for the agricultural sector at the highest national agenda. Even with the challenges posed by climate change by itself, it is for the sector is crucial that everyone his vision at brings together for a national policy. The one-day conference as Dwarka is a starter. He argues that it does not stay here. The document that will emerge from these agricultural conference, will the Government - whatever government - are offered. The conference in the Lalla Rookh building includes presentations and discussions. The participants will end up working groups should compile the policy. starnieuws/index.php/welcome/index/nieuwsitem/27085
Posted on: Sun, 18 Jan 2015 23:16:14 +0000

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