Ahhh.... paper number 1 just done!!! Yea, 2 more to go before - TopicsExpress


Ahhh.... paper number 1 just done!!! Yea, 2 more to go before Tuesday this one took 4 hours so I should have them done no problem as long as my brain keeps working! Good night all! If you are interested in reading my paper here it is 3 pages! The Old Testament Roots of Our Faith “The Old Testament Roots of Our Faith” I have chosen to write this paper on two documents one being, “The book of Genesis” which we covered somewhat in this course, however I feel there is so much more to add and it is immensely important. The other is, “The Book of Exodus. There is great insight provided in both Genesis and Exodus, but also in the entire Old Testament. The instruction and wisdom it provides to our culture today is priceless. The Old Testament should not be taken lightly as if it is just some history book. History is so much more than that. It is training, it is instruction, and proof of civilization and the course humans have struggled through in the past, and continue to contend with in the Twenty-First century. Throughout the Old Testament time and time again, the God of the book of Genesis kept his promises to the people of Israel, even in their abandoning Him at Mount Sinai, even in their disobedience. In the book “The Old Testament Roots of Our Faith,” the authors state, “the Old Testament is an absolutely indispensable volume,” (Achtemeier, 2). If you went into the streets today and took a survey, and asked people what a covenant was, ninety percent probably could not tell you. That is our Western culture and ignorance; this has been brought about by the slow but successful annihilation of Biblical teaching and the nuggets of history the Old Testament provides for us. The covenants from God fulfilled by the faith and obedience of Abraham, Isaac, Moses and others in the book of Genesis and Exodus emphasize the significance it brings to our present generations. Genesis accounts for the difficult family struggles, the trials, and God’s word to His fulfillment. This forms the major motif throughout the book of Genesis. Genesis 22 tells the account of Abraham’s great faith to Jehovah when he went to sacrifice Isaac, his son. Genesis also explains the details of sibling rivalry between Esau and Jacob, but again Yahweh fulfills his promises through the blessings of Jacob. Then there is Joseph, and again the blessings of Yahweh promises are fulfilled. The nation of Israel is created; throughout the Pentateuch Yahweh is ever present guiding and delivering Israel even through their rebellion. Genesis is the beginning of time for Israel and just as they labored we as society still have the same family dysfunction, lack of faith, and hopelessness but somehow there is an ever-present factor that seems to lead and guide everything. Genesis represents that Yahweh’s law was a code of conduct which represented for Israel the will of God. “We have the history in front of our faces of how Israel did not trust Yahweh; instead they insisted on relying on a man someone tangible that they could see and touch (Alchtemeier, 74). Could they not trust something they could not see? In the years past Yahweh had always brought them through their trials and wars. Can we not see that history repeats itself, and we still do not learn? And again history echo’s words from long before, “what you meant for evil God meant for good,” (Genesis 50:20). An echo from Genesis, Exodus, and throughout history is the wealthy and the powerful exploiting the less fortunate for their own means. Do we people not ever learn? The majestic words of Christ echo, “Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself will not stand” (Matt. 12:25). The loyalty here is not limited, it may be in different context, but the absolute of it is the same, we are still subject to Yahweh’s commands. Israel’s rebellion against Yahweh is what hardened His heart in Exodus. It reminds one of the words of Shakespeare’s poem, Venus and Adonis 1592, “Dismiss your vows, your feigned tears, and your flattery, for where a heart is hard they make no battery.” These words can be uttered against Israel over and over and again be a history lesson for us! In conclusion, the history and stories in Genesis are rich for the understanding of a God of preservation. They proclaim of Yahweh, who wants nothing more than for His creation to return to Him fully so that which was taken in the Garden of Eden can be restored. The creation motif ends with Gods’ promise to bless his people! There is an inclusive value here that “whatever” was written, Genesis, Psalms, The Ten Commandments, whatever was written in earlier times is for our instruction still today. Not only is there inclusive value but also a contemporary relevance for us. What promises have been preserved then are claimed now. We live in a day where people have lost hope, depression is all around us, and there is despair. If you want to be encouraged you do not read the morning newspaper, you read the Bible. We should remember its’ stories and reconnect with its events and memorize its lessons, that will provide hope. Knowing what Yahweh has done through the centuries and continues to do in the life, death and resurrection of Christ Jesus is the basis for the roots of our faith! Works Cited 1. Achtemeier, Paul J., and Elizabeth Achtemeier. The Old Testament Roots of Our Faith. Peabody, Mass.: Hendrickson Pub. Inc.,1994. Print. 2. INDIVIDUAL WORKS: VENUS AND ADONIS. Shakespeare Quarterly 54.5 (2004): 737-738. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 28 Nov. 2013.
Posted on: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 05:21:23 +0000

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