Aisha, due to traumatic child abuse, I have been left with low - TopicsExpress


Aisha, due to traumatic child abuse, I have been left with low self esteem and people abuse my vulnerability including my current boyfriend. In order to be accepted, I date anyone that approaches me and pay them to be accepted. I even pay friends for their friendship. I always blame myself if anything goes wrong in my relationship and will virtually be on my knees begging my boyfriend even though he was wrong! He will bring women to my home but I wouldnt dare say a word and now he has threatened to leave if I do not put his name on my properties. Aisha, Im now tired of being his slaves. My Response: Low self esteem makes you loose your self respect because you are likely to loose your integrity and values. Because you feel that nobody likes you, you end up with anyone because of the saying that opportunity comes once in a life time. You need to raise your self esteem and keep it at a level. Do you realise that in order to be a person of integrity, you need to live up to your values that you hold important? Henceforth, I will urge you to start believing in yourself and stop relying on what other people think about you. If you don’t boost your self esteem now, when are you going to? Even strangers will know that you are not confident by your body language as it gives clues to your state of mind and they can abuse it. Please work on it, it’s not what you can snap out of but gradual process. I empathise with you as I had it for years and I continue to work on myself on daily basis. As per your boyfriend, look in the mirror and tell yourself enough is enough and take over your life. However, you need to address your past, without finding peace, you will be stuck with low confidence. We can do it together and thanks for giving me permission to share but I wont go into details about your abuse.
Posted on: Fri, 30 May 2014 13:26:53 +0000

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