Al Gore is so well positioned in various corporations that ~ for - TopicsExpress


Al Gore is so well positioned in various corporations that ~ for behaving like an earth-loving Evangelist ~ he actually makes enormous $$$ Millions of Dollars every year!! Im not surprized he such a LIAR! As Governor Ventura says, Always follow the Money! Scientists are now agreeing that the temperature of our planet is affected by SOLAR ACTIVITY. They generally knew it for a long time but even Scientists can be paid off and others used to follow like sheep ~ to enhance their careers. Everything bad which happens in this world always seems to be motivated by money and/or religion. The Majority of the Government ~ whether Republican or Domocrat are constantly paid off and motivated by their own personal goals. Unfortunately, America doesnt have any real apparent 3rd option to Elect. So your country will remain corrupted. Its such a shame for the average American Citizens, who are very good people and used to be so Patriotic. Globally, we are all losing our Patriotic faith as our Borders collapse and our Nations are encouraged to mix. When you travel the world, the real opinion of countries such as America and UK are falling to the lowest levels ever. This is not a reflection of the REAL people in our countries. Its just the wrong decisions our Governments make for us ~ Every Day. Now it appears there is an open resentment of European Politicians against USA. I just want to stress, this is NOT against your people. It is against Actions decided by your Democratically Elected Government. How can it be a fair Democratic Election for your country, when ~ whichever choice you democratically decide ~ comes with the same outcome. It really is a time for Change. Not only in US, but in many parts of the world. People are being pushed to their limits and are starting to wake up everywhere. You can see what is happening. The whole world is really Governed by a small gang of the Richest most Powerful people. We are 7+ Billion, yet we are forced by hidden stealth methods (really we are being robbed), to become poorer, while the ones at the top are made to feel like Rulers of the World. Have you ever seen the very old film, Cromwell, starring Richard Harris? Its about a Military Commander of England hundreds of years ago. He overcame Royalty and Government ~ aided by the power of the people. He reset our UK Government and personally resided over it for 5 years. According to history, he really loved his country and did a lot to improve the lives of everyone at the time. Its a great pity there isnt someone in the world who can become this great leader. Religion talks about the Coming Again of the Messiah. Unfortunately, I think a different approach is needed. I would Never Forgive Them For They Know What They Are Doing. 1/ It is clear that this Gang Of Rich and Powerful have systematically robbed us through the Monetary Systems and War. Yes, these people own the Monetary Systems and they have always benefitted from Wars. You have to know this subject to understand it. And since these people create, instigate and benefit from Wars ~ they are responsible for the millions of deaths caused through wars. And their Benefit and Wealth, which they have accumulated ~ based on this Immoral Domination of Humanity ~ should be confiscated and redistributed to the whole world (Fairly). This great wealth which they have immorally accumulated could change the concept of humanity. We could do away with wars and famine. The Government and Influencial Powers have hidden ground-breaking technology for countless years, since Nikola Tesla. It is possible to create virtually Free Perpetual Energy ~ but they make too much money selling us petrol and gas ~ and corrupting our planet unecessarily. Oh, this World is Wrong and the People in Power are NOT in Power. They only follow like sheep to keep their jobs and positions, but without making any improvements. Why is it that over time, we seem to have stopped making improvements in the way we live? We seem to be heading downwards fast ~ throughout the world. If we went back to what I have just said about the redistribution of wealth ~ Surely that is the New World Order that so many of us dream of? We hear the Presidents Pronounce their Plans for a New World Order. It is THEIR New World Order ~ Not OURS. We are NOT a Part of their New World Order. I think we should have a New World Order, but we the Sheeple should set the Agenda. We could change the whole world ~ if we Redistribute Wealth ~ Cancel out National Debts Globally AND Stop War. I believe the cause for most breakdowns in relationships is due to money and individuals always thinking the Grass is Greener somewhere else. Perhaps now, we should find a way to reset wealth ~ collectively and globally. Stop Global Powers from deciding the very existence of others. For gods sake ~ people are being starved, tortured and bombed to hell around this planet right now. This is just a gross form of bullying. So we should look at the causes of what motivates these maniacs into doing what they do. Yes, WE should create a New World Order ~ but not ruled by a Committee of US Government; European Government or any other. We should really find our own Messiah in the world. With 7+ Billion People in the world, surely we can find one. Not to make him/her powerful in the sense as we presently understand. Power should not involve greed. Power should be motivated by Love for Humanity ~ and I mean ALL Humanity ~ not just the Elected ones (or higher). Sorry for the rant lol. I was only making a comment and got carried away. Peace everyone :-)
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 09:40:41 +0000

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