All, Its a shame that FB has become a site to air your dirty - TopicsExpress


All, Its a shame that FB has become a site to air your dirty laundry, slander others and, and for the last few months have my personal issues and marital problems aired on FB by my estranged wife Sue Kane. I have watched as she made insinuations and posted things about our personal life, makeing them your business, and read the comments, some hurtful, but not all. Most of you have heard her side and only her side and made assumptions your should not have made. Its time for my side. Sue, you were a good wife, i trusted you 100%. Had you not told me you were at the office working that day that I called you FROM THE OFFICE, and you werent there. I would never have dug deeper. That one little lie led me to several more lies, which led me to tracking your phone for 3 months, which told me what you didnt do everyday, what your did, and where you were. that led me to digging into our business paperwork and finding out that YOU, jeanine and Jeff refinanced our business mortgage, behind my back, TWO YEARS EARLIER! your explanation was that it made it easier to make the payment, agreed, but not once did you confer with me or discuss with me, you took it upon yourself to just do it, and according to you, didnt need any signatures to do it. Bull shit! show me a mortgage company that loans $400,000.00 with not signature. I smell forgery and we will find out before its all done. Oh yea, where is the $3000.00 a month extra we made for the last 2 years because its notin the bank. In the process of doing this you destroyed the retirement plans that I, and you, worked hard for for almost 15 years. Now I have no retirement. When we discussed it acouple of weeks later you told me I needed to get over it, remember? When I said I didnt know if I ever could get over it, YOU told me you were moving out, shortly after that you said we were getting divorced. quit telling people I kicked you out, I didnt. btw, Who lives in that appartment you visited quite often when you were supposed to be at the gym? Travis Haineault, you are right, you shouldnt let people get to you but everyone has a limit, i have reached mine. Daylene Currier sorry you got sucked into this. Katherine Ackley, I hear through the grape vine that you are making sure Sue had the money for a lawyer, thank you for taking care of her but prepare to pay for a divorce suit and a civil suit because I am taking her, Jeanine, Jeff and the mortgage company to court. Kathy Long Allman Your right, sue was a devoted wife, until she stabbed me in the back financially, but really how would you know? she ran you, and debbie peck off 15 years ago and you and sue just reconnected. How would you even know? Debbie Burrows Haineault what would George do? Tim Reen WTF? You have no clue if I strayed because I didnt, Maybe Sue told you I did, but I didnt. I do have toys, Im a person that cant sit still, I have to be doing something and building cars etc is what I like to do. You have plenty of toys, Harleys, hot rod Harley, how many wives have you had? Why have you had so many wives? I remember a few years abo you were hitting on sue, you were married then to Debbie,I think she was 3 wives ago, or was she 4? I have broken my own rule and aired my laundry on FB, I wont do it again as this will be that last time I will be on. I cant deal with the bullshit anymore. Sue, you can keep posting all the shit you want, but I wont see it. and dont text me, dont email me, dont call me. our only communication will be through laywers. One last favor, quit telling people that im having an affair with Kim Romack , especially her kids, come on WTF? Im not having an affair with Kim, she is a good friend though and it appears maybe my only friend. been nice,, im done
Posted on: Mon, 17 Jun 2013 01:30:29 +0000

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